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  1. R

    Greenline 40: General Discussion

    I correspond regularly with a former GL40 owner in the UK who told me this about the stock anchor... "At anchor she is quite comfortable, the anchor supplied holds well. We have anchored over night a few times in local estuaries adjacent to large commercial ports without too much problem."
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    Greenline 40: General Discussion

    Boom23, Solaris, and ScottC discuss stock vs. replacement anchor in posts 9, 10, & 11 of this very thread, above.
  3. R

    Greenline 40: General Discussion

    Hadn't dropped by in a while and just wanted to say how happy I am to see GL owners talking about the particulars, including known problems, variations by year, performance, etc. -- exactly the kind if info I'm eager to read. Thanks, folks, and please keep posting about your experiences.
  4. R

    Greenline 40: General Discussion

    I agree about the dingy; in particular, the 'tailgate' complicates things. If you're not living aboard and can spare the storage, the cockpit lazarettes will hold a deflated foldable RIB. And of course Greenline makes a lift/davit system if you don't mind the dinghy hanging off the back. Maybe...
  5. R

    Greenline 40: General Discussion

    Just a heads-up for those interested in the 40... There's a new walk-around vid from Boat Tube up on YT; search there for "2020 Greenline 40 Hybrid Boat - Walkaround Tour - 2020 Boot Dusseldorf". The usual caveat for these vids: The music they overlaid may not be to everyone's taste--there's no...
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    Greenline 33: Exterior Enhancement Discussions

    Thanks for the added info, and the clear explanations. Much appreciated!
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    Greenline 40: General Discussion

    This is great to hear about. I've certainly looked at the 39, and cost/maintenance-wise agree it's a better deal, when all you're 'losing' compared to the 40 is some beam, the port side protected walkway, and some headroom in the guest stateroom. I share your concerns about tank sizes; if after...
  8. R

    Greenline 33 - anyone took it for offshore ride?

    Scott's post from 2020.11.02 is the kind of info I'm here for -- so a strong second thanks for that. As for the CE ratings -- my understanding is that the ratings are to indicate design integrity--meaning, that the boats' structure will withstand the forces placed upon it in such seas. It is...
  9. R

    Greenline 33: Exterior Enhancement Discussions

    That's a really innovative system, and your numbers (5-16% improvement in fuel consumption) are telling. Was surprised to hear it would add stability, too, without going the SeaKeeper route. Thanks for this!
  10. R


    Welcome, Bernard! When you and I were corresponding via e-mail, you were kind enough to share all sorts of detailed information about your ownership experience, all of which I found useful & helpful to my thought process. For folks who are not familiar with the Greenline 40 / Hybrid version...
  11. R

    Intro - prospective owner, prospective looper.

    Thanks, SWFLA. I'm here to lean. So at this stage, everything helps. And I appreciate it.
  12. R

    Intro - prospective owner, prospective looper.

    That sounds right. I'm not just looking at production hybrid boats; when I look at others, not so equipped I consider how I would modify to add enough generation and storage capacity to provide the same experience, short of silent running. Thanks!
  13. R

    Greenline Hybrid: Solar Panel, Solar Charging & Propulsion Battery Discussions

    [...] I have to enthusiastically second Scott's note about silence, and about operating off-grid without a generator. Looked at from dollars alone, with current technologies, your ROI on fuel savings will never recoup the investment. The value is in the experience of being in and experiencing...
  14. R

    GreenLine Hybrid

    Which is what landed me here. Hi everyone! Scott, though I am not an owner--yet--I've e-mailed a couple of Greenline 40 owners & former owners with whom I've corresponded over the last year or so, and suggested they join/contribute to the relevant threads here. Fingers crossed for such folks to...
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    I am saving my pennies. Have been researching them (among other options) since I starting giving serious thought to long-term boat ownership a couple of years ago. My sense is they are costly because they are unique--no one else is really competing in their segment yet--like Tesla cars. Anyway...
  16. R

    Intro - prospective owner, prospective looper.

    Thanks, Greg, Rich, and Commodore Dave. Happy to be here. And to answer Rich's question: For motive power, yes, diesel is acceptable. My primary goal is to be silent at anchor and when mooring. I consider other factors as well--from production methods to recyclability of materials--but...
  17. R

    Greenline 40: General Discussion

    [Joins, finds Greenline 40 thread, plucks self down, looks around expectantly] Hello, ScottC and crew. I'm a fan of low-impact boating and am considering, among other alternatives, the Greenline 40. I've researched, boarded, sea-trialed, and discussed this boat over the last...
  18. R

    Intro - prospective owner, prospective looper.

    Hi folks, I'm Rick. I've been boating since before I was born, though usually summers only on the freshest waters of Georgian Bay. But that experience planted the seed that is beginning to grow; so I'm here to gather (and share) information from the perspective of someone considering looping...
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