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  1. T

    Almost a trawler owner!

    So Parks-on the "Half" boat, which half do you have? The bow or the stern? Or, longitudinally, portside or starboard?
  2. T

    YW delivery estimate is real?

    I sure would not put any faith in those estimates. For a 58' from Miami to Vancouver via ship, deck cargo, the cost was over $50K. Several here have shipped 40+ boats over substantial distances, they could give you a decent idea along with some recommendations for carriers. I don't think a 48...
  3. T

    Windmills & wine

    Very weird to think about cruising at 2,000 meters above sea level, then add going through a tunnel! Definitely not your average cruising experience!
  4. T

    Windmills & wine

    Irish-down 3 inches should not be too bad, isn't wine lighter than water? I'll add my thanks, looks like an amazing trip and it is fun to follow along vicariously!
  5. T

    Your Age?

    Old enough to know better, but still young enough to do it anyway and not give a damn!
  6. T

    Orcas Hunting Seals

    We all know Orcas eat seals. How far do seals go to escape and how far do Orcas go to catch them. This, I believe, was shot off Vancouver Island. A friend forwarded it to me. Pretty cool.
  7. T

    Gravel barge just flipped in Seattle ship canal

    Wow-Peter-hadn't seen that yet. Like most here, have seen those barges up and down the Ship Canal all the time. I think the sand and gravel comes from over on the Kitsap Peninsula somewhere, I know there has been a lot of controversy over there the last few years about expanding gravel mine...
  8. T

    Views on John Deere 6125AFM75

    Conrad-interesting to know-I have a client right next to Lugger here in Seattle and know a few folks there. Always thought they were all JDs.
  9. T

    Views on John Deere 6125AFM75

    I have twin JD 6068TFMs and have nothing but good things to say about them and about JD in general. I know a lot of folks with either 4045s or 6068s and have never heard a bad word. The expected overhaul time for mine is 12-15,000 hours. So, 1400 is just well broken in. I also would consider...
  10. T

    Pacific Trawler performance

    Tengee-it seems you have checked just about everything, and the consensus here at least is that you may be overpropped. But you never mentioned whether you actually had the prop checked to make sure it is indeed 26x24? It certainly wouldn't hurt to find an inexpensive 24x22 and give it a try.
  11. T

    Relocate to WA state?'s

    B-I'd rethink the rent v buy formula around here. In Seattle, home prices have increased 74% since 2011, in King County overall, a 66% increase. In general, you can look at 8-10% annually pretty steadily. Median price in Seattle is up to $666K. Salaries around here have generally kept pace...
  12. T

    Baton Rouge, LA

    Good idea, Craig. I would certainly kick in to help anyone recommended by a fellow TF'er.
  13. T

    Baton Rouge, LA

    Wow-been following this on the news. What a disaster. However, great to see that so many of those who can help, are out there doing so. Big thanks to them all.
  14. T

    Dropped the Car Key

    Nowadays, you need to do whatever you can to recover the key fob. The old days of getting a new key made for like $5 are long over. The fob for our Passat is something like $169!
  15. T

    Skegs and/or keel on twins

    To confirm what was mentioned about-the Krogens, like the Nords, have a centerline keel that tapers off at abut 3/4 of the length, with twin keels w/skegs. As Nomad(IIRC)noted, there are water flow issues with twin keels. On the Krogen, the keels are designed to direct and enhance the...
  16. T

    Thoughts on Wintering in Southport, NC

    Evans-I lived more than ten years about 20 miles south of Southport near Holden Beach, NC. There is no issue with winterization, you don't really need to do anything. While there are occasional cold snaps, they are short lived. That said, I would agree with others that cruising opportunities...
  17. T

    Cleaning S/S Hand Rails

    I will second the use of Flitz. Have used it for years and love it. I also use a holdover from my USMC belt buckle polishing days-an oldie but goodie-Brasso. Both work extremely well for me.
  18. T

    How much money does Active Captain save you each year?

    Semi-hate to repeat, but indirect costs are in everything you spend money on. What kind of boat do you have? Where did you learn of it? In one of the mare than several publications your builder may advertise in? Or any of the boat shows the builder may have paid to show in? Or just direct...
  19. T

    Ads on TF?

    Mr RT-The Donald has assured me that he checked and Putin would not do that!
  20. T

    Seattle Show vs. Boats Afloat

    Craig-there is both a Silver Cloud Inn and a Marriott Courtyard right across the street from the Show on Lake Union. Both are on Fairview Ave. There is also a Holiday Inn within a 5 minute walk on Westlake Ave. All are a bit of a hike from downtown though. However, the SC and Marriott are on...
  21. T

    New poster and a new (to me) boat.

    Simi-beautiful boat! Good luck with her. But, isn't the steering wheel on the wrong side?
  22. T

    Marina Reservations

    Semi-you might find yourself out of $$ again if you rely only on calling hotels direct. All chain companies (and many independent properties) now use "Load management software" to manage room rate yields. Local property management has little to no ability to override the software. So, if you...
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    Seattle Show vs. Boats Afloat

    Jim-of the two, the Seattle Boat Show is the better one IMO. But B raises a good point. While we would love to have you visit, you have the Miami and Lauderdale shows right there. The next best East Coast show to me is the Annapolis show. You can check online at all three and see which...
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    Marina Reservations

    Semi-I happen to find your comments more than "inappropriate", I find them offensive. It seems your chief complaint is that some of your favorite boating areas are now much busier than before, thus affecting your enjoyment of those areas. Somehow, that is the result of too much information...
  25. T

    Need advice for first longer cruise.

    Dave-when you get to Nanaimo, make sure to stop and say Hi to Sunchaser if they are still there. Earlier this year, I had the pleasure of a cup of coffee with them as they were passing through Seattle. Very nice folks who will be happy to greet you.
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