Your Age?

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What Age are You?

  • 20 to 30

    Votes: 4 2.0%
  • 31 to 50

    Votes: 35 17.3%
  • 51 to 60

    Votes: 63 31.2%
  • 61 to 70

    Votes: 75 37.1%
  • 71 to 80

    Votes: 23 11.4%
  • 81 to 90

    Votes: 2 1.0%
  • 91 to 100

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Wifey B: We just turned 82 in June and will be 83 in October. :D

Wifey B: I divided by two and put 31 to 50, since he's 45, almost 46, and I'm 37, just barely, but a young 37. Speaking of young, poor Oliver will have to lie about his age to take the poll. Of course, lots of kids his age do lie about their ages at various times. I sure did. :blush:

Funny how when young you add years and older you take them away. Although I know a lady who has always added years. She said if she was really 50, she'd far rather say 55 and people comment how young she looked for her age than to say she was 45 and people think how old she looks for her age.
Just to be different...
I'll confess, I am "vaghmaH loS" years old.
Curious to see who can figure this one out...

Wifey B: And you're a Klingon. I figured it out, but I won't give the answer away. :)
Wifey B: I divided by two and put 31 to 50, since he's 45, almost 46, and I'm 37, just barely, but a young 37. Speaking of young, poor Oliver will have to lie about his age to take the poll. Of course, lots of kids his age do lie about their ages at various times. I sure did. :blush:

Funny how when young you add years and older you take them away. Although I know a lady who has always added years. She said if she was really 50, she'd far rather say 55 and people comment how young she looked for her age than to say she was 45 and [rather than]people think how old she looks for her age.

Levels of Self-Vanity can Strike Deep... Just listen to Trump! :dance: :lol:
Who here has never lied about their age at any time during their life?
Who here has never lied about their age at any time during their life?

dated a 20 year old chick when I was 17.. had to convince her I was 18 so I could get laid.. her dad was a cop and things went well till dad did some digging and found out I was underage.. :socool:

55 going on 16 according to the Admiral..
Well I was traumatized this summer. A neighbor and I were driving around and passed an Over 55 trailer park. I realized I could get in there. Only "old people" allowed, and suddenly I was one of Them.

I'm still recovering from the shock of it all.

Edit to add: In my 30's I went grey and have been offered the senior discount since I was 40 years old. After the cancer thing, I'm just grateful to be north of dirt.

I look forward to many more years (decades) of life afloat in my own personal paradise. Seaweed and I are a team. We are having fun and that's more important than a number.
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Old enough to know better, but still young enough to do it anyway and not give a damn!
Wifey B: I divided by two and put 31 to 50, since he's 45, almost 46, and I'm 37, just barely, but a young 37.

Hmmm. WB thought you qualified as a trophy wife. 9 years is hardly worth mentioning. :rolleyes: When my first wife and I split, I dated a girl..... Well you know there's a difference when you weren't born in the same decade, or adjoining decades. Knew it wasn't going to work when we were talking music.

I said, "The Beatles......"

She said "who?"

I said, "not The Who, The Beatles."

She said,"what?"

I said,"Second Base."

She just shook her head. :confused:

Hmmm. WB thought you qualified as a trophy wife. 9 years is hardly worth mentioning. :rolleyes: When my first wife and I split, I dated a girl..... Well you know there's a difference when you weren't born in the same decade, or adjoining decades. Knew it wasn't going to work when we were talking music.

I said, "The Beatles......"

She said "who?"

I said, "not The Who, The Beatles."

She said,"what?"

I said,"Second Base."

She just shook her head. :confused:


Wifey B: When we were 30 and 21 it seemed more. He was a big fancy executive and I was ready to start college. Yes, late on that, had to save money first.

Maybe we have trophy girlfriends now? :rofl:

There are six of us on the boat right now. The two of us and four females who are 28, 27, 21 and 21. :)
59-and-holding for the last 11 years.
I don't remember because I don't care to know ...
Hmmm...if plotted on a graph it wouldn't be a nicely balanced bell curve as there appears to be a pretty abrupt drop off in the later decades :eek:
Just 63 on the 6th, and don't feel a day over 75! And note it wasn't me that threw something political in this.

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