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    What is this?

    Well please do let us know, the suspense is killing me !
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    Too cold for me

    If I have to put on pants - instead of shorts - it's too cold. For me, a Florida born and raised outdoor sun-bum, that's when it's less than 60 degrees. I've always said I would rather sweat than put on a jacket !
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    Solar Panel Advice

    I agree with the previous posts on the use of 6 golf cart batts instead of the Group 27's. For what it's worth you can fit the GC batts in place of the 27's without any real problems. 2 Duracell GC batts from Sam's Club will give you 230 AH's of power at very minimal cost and no real changes...
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    Sunset at Anchor

    Beautiful !
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    $50K and 1 gph?

    That had me chuckling. Although I do agree 25ft is a little small for me too Simi, not everyone needs the elbow room that you have on your palatial yacht. Now, we may wish for it, but... :thumb:
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    Two House banks

    So basically a 100 amp alternator would be ok with a 400 AH bank ?
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    Forum opinion on "converted" yachts

    Again, just to be clear, I do NOT want this boat. I was only sparking a discussion to see what the general Forum opinion was on this type of "conversion." I am much too conservative to spend my money on someone else's experiment !
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    Forum opinion on "converted" yachts

    Ha, I feel like I've opened up one of those contentious threads like "what's the best anchor." Based on the responses this one gets a wide variety of yays and nays. Just to clarify my position I was NOT really considering this one for us, it just caught my eye and I was curious to see how...
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    Forum opinion on "converted" yachts

    While browsing the internet looking at trawlers I came across this... ...and I wondered what is the general opinion of such boats ? My own experience with power boats says that they do not track well at slow...
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    New member - sail to power

    Well I'm certainly not looking to cross any oceans with a trawler. I once had day-dreams of doing so in a sailboat but the reality is that's not likely to happen. No, the only "ocean" we would want to cross is the 60 miles between Florida and the Bahamas. Hopefully island hop down the chain and...
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    Sometimes the Ditch (AICW) is a better choice

    It should also be noted that the boat is a Catalina 30. It is not an "off-shore" boat by any means. My guess is the rigging was old and something gave way causing the loss of the mast. Although I'm unclear as to what may have happened to the engine.
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    New member - sail to power

    Yes, I am definitely a fan of the "KISS" principle. And usually it's easier - and less expensive - to keep things simple on a smaller boat. We've been married for 35 years, and we lived on a Catalina 27 sailboat for about 3 years. Granted we were much younger then, and I wouldn't really want to...
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    New member - sail to power

    Thanks all, for many great replies with good thoughts to consider too. I know it's a cliche to say that "my next boat is my last boat." But I do feel like I'm closing in on that time. My main concern is having more boat than I can take care of. The 32 foot sailboat I have now sometimes feels...
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    New member - sail to power

    Howdy from Jacksonville Fl. We are long time boaters - both power and sail - but we've owned mostly sailboats. We've been planning to do some long term cruising upon retirement and we always figured it would be on a sailboat. Well, our minds - and our bodies - are changing that way of thinking ...
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    Dreams and dreamers

    We are getting closer to the dream. We originally thought the dream was a sailboat, and we own an Endeavour 32. But the closer we get to retirement the more we think how nice a trawler would be. Pretty sure we have talked ourselves into it. We'll probably be making the switch some time next...
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