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  1. Addie Kat

    Hurricane Holes in NC

    Bridgeton Harbor Marina in New Bern is a very reasonable marina with good power, built like a brick you know what house for hurricanes, and is where i have kept my boat for the last year. This is a no frills marina, but at least i know that when I am home in Syracuse, Ny and my boat is 800...
  2. Addie Kat

    Grand Alaskan 64

    If you are speaking of Queen B, I can tell you that this boat was stored at Winter Harbor Marina in Brewerton NY where I keep my boat. It was sold this past fall, 2021 to the current owners. This Vessel was very well maintained by the previous owners and is absolutely stunning. I would...
  3. Addie Kat

    Great Lakes to Chesapeake Bay

    It was at the end of the season, the canal was closing and needed to make it to the Hudson. We also had to time it for a wedding we needed to be at in Saratoga, A lot was going on. We’ve been traveling the canal for years, and have already seen much of it. For us its getting through all of...
  4. Addie Kat

    Great Lakes to Chesapeake Bay

    Brewerton, Ny to Shady Harbor marina on the Hudson was 153 nautical miles, and 22 Locks in total. Shady Harbor, Albany NY to Norfolk Va was a total of 385 nautical miles.
  5. Addie Kat

    Great Lakes to Chesapeake Bay

    I made the trip from Oneida lake, Brewerton NY to Norfolk, VA this past October. Did the Erie Canal to Shady Harbor, south of Albany on the Hudson in 3 days. Shady Harbor marina to Poughkeepsie 1 day, Poughkeepsie to Norfolk, 37 Straight hours traveling 10 knots. The weather was perfect...
  6. Addie Kat

    Looking for youtube people to follow/learn from

    Check our Mermaid Monster 55’ Nordhavn And Onboard Lifestyle. Sailing cat
  7. Addie Kat

    Looking for a Grand Alaskan 60-65

    I can tell you that the one in central square NY, is an absolute beauty.
  8. Addie Kat

    For Sale: Sold-Marinco EEL Pigtail Adapter

    I am interested in purchasing, I sent you an email. Andy
  9. Addie Kat

    Random misc questions and comments

    I have an older Sea Tel, but it works great with Direct T.V. However, it is only standard definition, and I’m not sure how much longer the standard Def. satellites will be up in space for.
  10. Addie Kat

    Winter storage again

    We keep our boat at Winter Harbor Marina, Brewerton NY just past Oneida Lake. They have 2 state of the art massive buildings including sprinklers and Back up generators. Power or no power your boat will always be warm. The staff at this marina is incredible, and I would not store my boat...
  11. Addie Kat

    For Sale: Magma Grill with Tray and Cover

    Do you have the dimensions, or the model?
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