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Looking for a Grand Alaskan 60-65

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Capn James Brett

Veteran Member
May 22, 2012
Vessel Name
Stella Maris
Vessel Make
2004 Grand Alaskan 65
Hi all,
I am looking for a GA in the 60 foot range. Perferably in the west coast but will consider others.
Have seen the 4 currently on YW and even flew to Croatia to see one. So if anyone knows of anyone considering selling theirs, please let me know.
I will be selling my Defever 53 POC with slip in Port of Everett once we find the GA.
Thanks everyone.
Good luck and hope one shows up for you soon!
You know it brother. I just figured to cover my bases in case someone is just thinking about it and maybe not on YW.
Hope to see you guys soon.
I know of a cool one in Seattle, but the owners aren’t tired or her just yet. :)
I'd be interested to know why the ones you already saw did not fit the bill?

Nice choice by the way! :D
I can tell you that the one in central square NY, is an absolute beauty.
Addie, that in NY is not for sale in US waters. Have asked for more info.
I am still looking at the GA 65 in Dania beach, price is right.
Prob is the transport fee is 55K and I am trying to avoid that if at all possible.
HMY listed a GA 65 called Silver Sky a few months ago. Is this the one in Dania Beach? As I recall it has big Cat 3196s. We looked at two in 2018, neither met our goals due to wrong stabilizers and incorrect engines.

Cheoy Lees of the same size and vintage are worthy competitors IMHO. Allied recently listed a 72'er.
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Yes, that is the same boat. It has been listed a long time. It's funny, the other 2 GA's are listed in the 850K range, quite a discrepancy. Thoughts?
Without seeing the GAs in person I've no thoughts on $ difference, just guesses. Maybe high hour 3196 engines in need of major servicing or general upkeep lacking? Have you seen ER? That visual may give a good tell on vessel.

For general comparison, look at the Cheoy Lee 72 Brandana. Nice clean well laid out machinery space, the right engines (Cat 3406) and well updated on the electronics end.

For the PNW, diesel heat is a nice to have item. Likely neither of these FL boats are so equipped.
We're interested in the 2002 53' Grand Alaskan and don't know much about this boat or builder.

Does anyone have an information abut the designer, builder and maintenance issues?

Thanks - Jim

We've had ours (yr 2000) for just over a year and absolutely love it. Maintenance wise we've been updating equipment that is 20yrs old, such as hot water tank, freshwater pump, electronics, etc. She handles rough water well and is easy to maneuver at the dock in high winds. Overall we have no regrets. Good luck with your search.

Btw we put 270hrs on her in our first year of ownership and plan to do the same this year.
Grand Alaskan 60

I know this thread is a little old but did you end up finding one? Did you have a look at the 1999 in Miami? If so, what did you not like about it? We are considering one as an alternative to the Fleming boats we initially started looking at. What are issues to look for?
Good morning. Yes, found one and will receive it in mid August. It's being transported to the PNW from europe. Are you considering one? I am not sure which boat in Miami you're referring to? I pretty much looked at every one I could find on the internet.
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