“West Sea Otter (46204)” and “East Dellwood (46207)” weather buoys both down

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Apr 3, 2011
Vessel Name
Phoenix Hunter
Vessel Make
Kadey Krogen 42 (1985)
Both the “West Sea Otter (46204)” and “East Dellwood (46207)” weather buoys have been out of commission for over 1 month. These provide important weather and sea state information to mariners transiting these regions. Sea Otter (46204)” and “East Dellwood (46207)” weather buoys have been out of commission for over 1 month. These provide important weather and sea state information to mariners transiting these regions. Initially I was told they would be down until the 3rd week of June. Now I understand they will be down until the end of August.

Not only do these provide information for vessels transiting these areas, but almost certainly the realtime data from those buoys should inform the forecasts for that area. I highly doubt similar buoys of importance in US waters would be down for this length of time.

Edit: actually close to 3 months now.

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Yikes. Those two are pretty important for rounding Cape Caution. Have to rely on Windy or Precise or Environment Canada. I just called up the NOAA map:
and this is not just a Canadian thing, although those two buoys are important. Budgets and priorities is my guess.
That’s a cool website. I didn’t realize the North Hecate and the WC Haida Gwaii buoys were both down as well! sheesh!😒

Both the “West Sea Otter (46204)” and “East Dellwood (46207)” weather buoys have been out of commission for over 1 month. These provide important weather and sea state information to mariners transiting these regions. Sea Otter (46204)” and “East Dellwood (46207)” weather buoys have been out of commission for over 1 month. These provide important weather and sea state information to mariners transiting these regions. Initially I was told they would be down until the 3rd week of June. Now I understand they will be down until the end of August.

Not only do these provide information for vessels transiting these areas, but almost certainly the realtime data from those buoys should inform the forecasts for that area. I highly doubt similar buoys of importance in US waters would be down for this length of time.

Edit: actually close to 3 months now.

More than three. Closer to five.
That’s a cool website. I didn’t realize the North Hecate and the WC Haida Gwaii buoys were both down as well! sheesh!😒

A number of years back I was contacted by the Federal Government over their desire to continue reducing the number of manned light houses (at the time I represented two commercial fishing groups with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans). The light houses were to be replaced by unmanned, automatic systems.

Along with the advantages of an actual person in a light house the other real fact at the time was over 50% of the unmanned reporting stations were broken down, not reporting and had been for some time. I strongly suggested that they clean up the poor performance with their unmanned reporting stations before even considering killing off stations that actually worked!
Both the “West Sea Otter (46204)” and “East Dellwood (46207)” weather buoys have been out of commission for over 1 month. These provide important weather and sea state information to mariners transiting these regions. Sea Otter (46204)” and “East Dellwood (46207)” weather buoys have been out of commission for over 1 month. These provide important weather and sea state information to mariners transiting these regions. Initially I was told they would be down until the 3rd week of June. Now I understand they will be down until the end of August.

Not only do these provide information for vessels transiting these areas, but almost certainly the realtime data from those buoys should inform the forecasts for that area. I highly doubt similar buoys of importance in US waters would be down for this length of time.

Edit: actually close to 3 months now.

I realize this entry is two weeks old but as of today, July 1, West Sea Otter is up.
West Sea Otter was down when I just looked it.

If you do, I much have the same cache problem. Both buoys have been “not available for some time.
The NOAA site indicates they are down as well. EC told me they would not be up until late August/September.

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