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1978 Cheoy Lee 46ft Long Range Trawler, "Shangri La", Port Charlotte, FL $110,000

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Aug 10, 2017
Vessel Name
Shangri La
Vessel Make
Cheoy Lee 46 Trawler
1978 Cheoy Lee 46ft Long Range Trawler, "Shangri La", Port Charlotte, FL $110,000

Website: https://shangrila.godaddysites.com/

The Cheoy Lee 46 Trawler has the distinction of being the smallest double-deck production yacht ever built. She’s constructed on a solid fiberglass displacement hull with a keel deep enough to protect the running gear in the event of a grounding. The hull is a solid, hand laid-up G.R.P. molding, sandwich construction being used for the decks and superstructure. All scantlings are in excel of Lloyd’s requirements.

"Shangri La" is equally well configured for weekend cruising and long passage-making voyages. She has traveled all the coastal waters of the east coast, The Erie Canal, circumnavigated all the Great Lakes and the as well as the inland waterways of the Mississippi/Ohio rivers to Southwest Florida and The Keys. The accommodations are warm and efficient, and the chef's galley has been a highlight of many memorable voyages for owners and guests. Deck space has been optimized for flexibility, lending itself to offshore excursions, a base for kayaking and wilderness exploration, and many other operations that demand space for gear and personnel.

Reliable twin 120 Ford Lehman marine diesels yield a cruising speed of 7.5 - 8.0 knots at just over 4 gallons per hour at 1750 RPM, giving "Shangri La" a cruising range of over 1,500 nautical miles.

The vessel is equipped with a 110-volt power inverter in addition to a 12 Kw diesel generator for reliable power at anchor or underway.

Additional Details:

Manufacturer: Cheoy Lee Boat Yards (Hong Kong)

Year Built 1978, refit 1999, 2018, 2022 and 23

Price: $110,000 USD (offers considered; broker courtesy)
Location: Port Charlotte, Florida USA
For sale by current owner of 25 years
Contact: Private Message preferred
Ron Hurd (owner)
Email: ron.r.hurd@gmail.com
Cell: 231-633-1682


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Looks like this boats back on the market but asking has inflated a massive amount to $260k!

That's more than double the asking here!

The boat looks great, but dang.
Mr. M. Welcome aboard. Where do you see the CL listing for $260K?? Thanks
New owner listed it on Facebook, also being sold here with land 1.7 million.

I really like the boat, wonder what the actual value is.

Reading here RT I see someone did the same price hike on your CL46.
Mr. M. Yes indeed. The person who purchased our CL re-listed her about two weeks later with a MASSIVE price increase ($100K, perhaps?). Same pictures I took and posted.
Evidently he did a LOT of "work and upgrades" a lot of which were totally unnecessary IMO. For example, from the best of my memory:
-Polished fuel and cleaned tanks-I never had ANY issues with fuel contamination.
-Replaces all gauges-they all worked when I had her.
-New radar-NO evidence shown in pictures and the old unit, although dated, worked fine.

I can't remember any more specifics other than quite a bit of the work that I did prior to selling, HE claimed he had done as "upgrades". Not terribly honest IMO. The guy was NOT a boater so any work that he did may or may not have been sub-standard.

That really doesn't bother me all that much BUT he unscrewed the boarding ladder from my dock and took it as well as my dock hose which I had ashore. Only a few $$ but the very idea he stole that stuff REALLY p*ssed me off.

Bottom line with that boat is I wouldn't trust that guy as far as I can spit.

I had prepared her to sell and had addressed most, if not all, shortcomings that I could find. I didn't want the new owner to have any problems.

OK. Rant over.
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