1978 Marine Trader 37DC Water Tanks

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May 6, 2021
This 1978 MT 37DC is also known as a MT 36DC in later years.

Looking for information on the location of fresh water tanks. I cannot seem to locate any documentation or drawings that shows tank layout.

Would appreciate any information anyone can provide.

Thank you !
Mine are in the Laz on my '79 MT 44DC
I found the tanks, they are in the aft cabin under the bunks.

We recently purchased this MT and am slowly going through and learning where everything is.

We were chasing down a leak. I am able to access the tank under the portside bunk but unable to gain access to the starboard tank.

The port tank is stainless and 85 gallon capacity. I am assuming the starboard tank will be the same. I did notice a very very tiny weep.

We found our leak at a elbow in the copper tubing running to the pump in the engine room.

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