Varnish Protection

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Oct 31, 2018
Some time ago recall reading about a product used by boat captains to protect varnish when owner or guests were not aboard - thought it was called "cap wrap" and produced by 3m but not able top find - checking to see if anyone is aware of this or a similar product. Basically looking to protect varnish when boat not in use.
thanks. RonW M/V Blue Heron
You wanting to protect it between weekends or monthly outings? Or for long term storage?

The very best way to deal with varnish is not to have any, next best semi-permanent is to paint over it with your favorite color enamel. For temporary covering between weekends, covers made from Sunbrella seem to be the only reliable way.
Is that similar to “track tape” paint protection film?
There are numerous tacky films for temporary protection, leaving them for very long in the weather is not something I'd do. Either the adhesive or film will fail, removing the protection, or it will become permanent after some sun exposure.
I made covers for my 41FT Egg . 6"x2" toe rails, hand rails etc. PITA to put on & take off, snaps in deck or sand bags, cutouts for each stantion. SPIDER HEAVEN. Im gonna do one more then shoot myself.
Agree that paint is the best option. On our last boat I painted a bunch of the teak and loved it. I didn’t get it all done before I sold the boat though.

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