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1990 52' Californian CPMY $172,500.00

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Veteran Member
Jul 28, 2019
United States of America
Vessel Name
Better Place
Vessel Make
1980 Hatteras 58' LRC
I have narrowed down my choices for my next yacht and will be making offers soon. As a result Moonstruck is now seriously for sale. Yes, I am still reluctant to let her go but I am also experienced, knowledgeable as far as market value is concerned and ready for her to find loving owners that will enjoy a great yacht. Judy Waldman is my broker. (954) 895-8844 The yachtworld listing went live the other day. If you are in this group you may be ready to take a serious look at her. Please do. I would rather sell her to a member than a stranger. Her brightwork is being renewed again. I have it done every six months. Other maintenance is ongoing such as the seal on the flying bridge helm being replaced together with the hydraulic hoses between it and the autopilot last week. I am going to remove the cockpit helm this weekend to have its seal replaced as a precaution. Now that I have narrowed down my choices its not a question of if I sell her but when. Someone will get a very good deal. Brand new engines and transmissions were installed in 2002 with warranties starting in 2003. The engines have approximately 375 original hours on them. Steve M.

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You could show more thorough and better pictures then those seen on YW.

Also your broker YW does not even have it listed on their site.
Drop Box Access Upon Request

Thank you for your feedback. Anyone who is interested may request a link to the Drop Box folder with all of the photographs I have collected for Judy. We have had a difficult time coordinating a photographer with Covid, my schedule and maintenance that is being performed. Judy and I will be happy to show Moonstruck to serious buyers with reasonable notice to accommodate everyones' schedules and safety.
Requesting the link you referred to in your reply.
The Missing Link

Sorry for the delay in responding. My work schedule has been hectic over the past ten days and will not ease up before the weekend. Unfortunately I cannot simply post a link for everyone to the Drop Box folder with the photos of Moonstruck. I can provide a link to anyone that requests one. I will need your email address so that I can invite you to view the folder. You can request it here or by emailing me at smmpa@earthlink.net. Once I have your email address I go to Drop Box and add your email to the Drop Box list for viewing. Drop Box will send you the link. Steve M.
Why so difficult to look at photos? Very strange. Nothing like making it harder to buy a boat by being mr secret agent man

Gentlemen, I'm no secret agent and I have nothing to hide. I just do not want to field a lot of phone calls from keel kickers or spend time creating new Drop Box folders that I may want to update from time to time. In my law practice I have hundreds of them to oversee. If you are not interested in Moonstruck then don't worry about it. I cannot please everyone and do not need to. I'm not retired. I have a business to run. Like so many others I'm busy trying to make a living during the pandemic. I appreciate the constructive criticism and enjoy the commentary on this forum but do not like to be insulted. You are welcome to come to my office at 96 Willard Street, Suite 305, Cocoa, Florida to speak with me if you want to. I suspect your opinion of me might be different when we meet. I occasionally post free advice to help other members of this forum. If that isn't welcome I will be happy to stop. Steve Moon
Agree with most, then why post the ad here if we cant see the ad ????
I don't get it. Interest is stirred when when info is passed on
Mr. Moon,
Questions, does the davit work and if so what size is it, is a dingy included, do the cockpit controls work, brand and size of thruster, and is it stabilized.
Comment in regards to you having too many photos to go thru. There’s nothing worse in a boat listing than no info and really crappy photos. Your broker needs to put a better, more complete listing together. Or remove it until it’s correct and better looking. People will pass by your listing, especially when there are two other 52’s listed underneath yours in YW.
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Mr. Moon,
Questions, does the davit work and if so what size is it, is a dingy included, do the cockpit controls work, brand and size of thruster, and is it stabilized.
Comment in regards to you having too many photos to go thru. There’s nothing worse in a boat listing than no info and really crappy photos. Your broker needs to put a better, more complete listing together. Or remove it until it’s correct and better looking. People will pass by your listing, especially when there are two other 52’s listed underneath yours in YW.

I've actually sent "thank you's" to brokers who post thorough and informative ads even if I'm not interested in their vessel. At least it shows their commitment to professionalism. You're right, there is nothing worse than minimal info, poor photos and lack of details. This ad (if you can even call it that) misses the mark in every area. Of course the market is excellent right now but that's no excuse for a subpar presentation. We're in the process of selling my in-laws 3M estate home and the last thing we're telling people is how we don't want to get hassled by inquiries seeking more info. We're putting out full and complete photos, video and as much info as possible. It actually works the opposite of what's been claimed here. It's less hassle, not more. What a befuddling way to look at this effort.
Wow! Tough bunch. I respect Steve's desire to route interested parties through his broker, and any issue he might have with the YW photos are between the broker and him.

For those who have been wanting to see the YW posting, it is at https://www.yachtworld.com/boats/1990/californian-cockpit-motor-yacht-3766816/ and it shows a tremendous amount of boat for the $$. If you feel a particular photo doesn't tell you enough, contact the broker - they took the photos. It is in the broker's hands at this point.

Steve's effort to share with us the fact that his boat is available is a great gesture. I don't believe that his intent is to sell it here, but to give us all a heads-up that it is on the market at a very aggressive price.

Thanks Steve -
Wow! Tough bunch. I respect Steve's desire to route interested parties through his broker, and any issue he might have with the YW photos are between the broker and him.

For those who have been wanting to see the YW posting, it is at https://www.yachtworld.com/boats/1990/californian-cockpit-motor-yacht-3766816/ and it shows a tremendous amount of boat for the $$. If you feel a particular photo doesn't tell you enough, contact the broker - they took the photos. It is in the broker's hands at this point.

Steve's effort to share with us the fact that his boat is available is a great gesture. I don't believe that his intent is to sell it here, but to give us all a heads-up that it is on the market at a very aggressive price.

Thanks Steve -

I agree that he’s redirecting. But it reads like the photos are his and not the brokers, as he stated when describing how many he had to go thru. Over enlarged, blurry pics?
Just trying to help.
[ModEdit] Per Classified Guidelines...
The Classified section is for advertising, members are asked to refrain from posting discussions to a Classified Ad.
Please start a discussion thread or PM the owner for discussions.
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