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For Trade: 1994 Tiara 4000E to TRADE or sale

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Veteran Member
Jan 16, 2015
Vessel Name
Hannah Bea
Vessel Make
Tiara 4000e
It breaks my heart to offer my Tiara for trade or sale, but health issues make using her more difficult each day. I have peripheral neuoropthy in hands and feet from chemo. The docs thought it would go away, but almost 3 years later, it looks pretty permanent. This causes me to have poor balance and severely restricts my fore deck abilities.

Now for the GOOD part.

1994 Tiara 4000E with 500 hrs on twin 450hp Cummins 6CTA engines and equally low hours on the Onan generator. This boat has ALWAYS been in fresh water (was in salt water for first time last year for 3 days). Lived in Michigan on the lake all it's life until 2014 when I brought her to the St. Johns River in Florida. She lives on our boat lift in our boathouse and ALWAYS maintained professionally with the following work done in the past 12-18 months:

All new canvas and camper canvas
All new 4D AGM batteries
New aluminum fuel tanks
New Balmar regulators
New main cabin air conditioner
ALL fluids changed at 500hrs
Props scanned and trued
Detailed 2 weeks ago

This is an immaculate and properly maintained boat (yeah everyone says that). I really would prefer to trade rather than sell but......

I am looking to replace her with a smaller boat that has good (non-teak) decks with flat decent walk arounds. The boat must also be a fast trawler at least as there are time I need or at least prefer to move at 20+ knots. A trawler or downeast style would probably be best for me now.

We will not be taking any more long cruises but still want to be able to spend some days/weeks aboard comfortably in a coastal environment.



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Mr. Z. I hesitate to ask under the unfortunate circumstances but what price range are you thinking of?
Thank you RTF for reminding me of important details.

I am flexible on price as I really hadn't planned on replacing her. From what I have observed on Yachtworld and other sites, I believe the $140k range is where I need to be in dollars or other boat value.

For some time now, we have been trying to sell our south FL house and move up to your neck of the woods. If it ever happens, we would be genuinely interested but I suspect at the rate things are going, you will have it sold by then.
I wish you could wait a year. Ann and I love those boats, by far our favorite "express" style boat. Our next boat is going to be something like that, Tiaras are great boats and a good builder behind them. I almost want to wish you bad luck with the sale, but that thing should sell quickly if she is all you purport she is. Is there a comprehensive listing somewhere?
I'd love to see more pics.
Inside, engine room, etc
Great looking boat!


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And a few more.....


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I wish you could wait a year. Ann and I love those boats, by far our favorite "express" style boat. Our next boat is going to be something like that, Tiaras are great boats and a good builder behind them. I almost want to wish you bad luck with the sale, but that thing should sell quickly if she is all you purport she is. Is there a comprehensive listing somewhere?

Since I am not selling her because I need the money, I'd be pleased to store her here as she is with a reasonable deposit :)

She really is everything I say she is. Hard to tell from new.

Since I am not selling her because I need the money, I'd be pleased to store her here as she is with a reasonable deposit :)

She really is everything I say she is. Hard to tell from new.


Beautiful boat, stunning pictures.
What's the deal with the keel roller on the swim platform?

What tender is the chock designed for?

How about photos of the engine / bilge area?

What's the deal with the keel roller on the swim platform?

What tender is the chock designed for?

How about photos of the engine / bilge area?


The keel roller is part of the dinghy system that the chock is also a part of. What isn't in the pic is the winch that plugs in on the starboard side any you just crank the dinghy aboard.

It is set up for a Zodiak 11' Cadet RIB.

Stu, you are only 2hrs away, come on by and see her for yourself. Maybe a pro could get better pics of the engines, but as roomy as it is, there isn't much room. I will hack at it for a serious potential buyer.

That looks like one really clean vessel.
Price reduced before listing with broker. $120k now

I will be signing a brokerage agreement next week and think this is a chance to save a few bucks.

Price now is $120k or reasonable offer before listing and I have to pay commission.

Oh man....what a sweet boat!!! I am a huge fan of the Tiaras!!! Such well built boats. Good luck with the sale. I have a friend that has a 1998 Mainship 30 he is trying to sell and a Tiara is top on his list. I am not sure how the Logistics would play out between Texas and Florida but it sounds like his boat might be what you are looking for...although a 14kt cruise. He also already has his listed with a broker further complicating things...
She's still for sale and now open listing (I can sell her myself). Many more pictures and info on Yacht World: 1994 Tiara 4000 Mid Cabin Express Power Boat For Sale - www.yachtworld.com.

I will entertain reasonable offers and will also consider a trade for:

Boston Whaler 305
Pursuit 3070 Offshore Center console walk around
Grady White 300 Marlin

Any of those boats have adequate toe boards for me.
I've had a few requests for performance data. I am attaching the factory performance sheet on a hull 14 newer than mine.


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Mr. Z. Congrat's and condolences. I hope you can stay on the water in some form. Be well...
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