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2004 Albin 31 TE

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Mark Laurnen

Senior Member
Oct 21, 2018
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Albin 31 TE 2004
Ahoy members. My best friend, and primary fishing partner, has asked me to join him in purchasing a larger boat. Thus, with great trepidation, I am seriously considering the unthinkable, selling my beloved and pampered Albin 31Tournament Express. FREEDOM was built in 2004 and fitted with twin Yanmar 6LPA-STPs, and Northern Lights M673D generator. Presently she has 900 engine hours. She has anlmond hull annd superstructure with green cove stripe. Equipment additions, upgrades and maintenance have been extensive without plans to ever sell. Our pending future boat dealer was also the original PNW Albin dealer. He is enthusiastic about getting my boat. This is not yet an official listing, but rather a preliminary inquiry regarding potential buyer interest in a sale sans broker. FREEDOM is moored under cover at Port of Everett, and I believe transfer of the slip could be easily arranged.

Thank you.
Mark Laurnen


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Upon reviewing the forum guidelines, I realize that I probably should not have included my phone number. In accordance with the forum recommendations, please PM if you desire. If there appears to be sufficient interest in Freedom, I will proceed with a formal listing on TF.
Thank you! Somewhere around $160K. 900 hours at present. Comprehensive maintenance log available. Sale is not definite, just testing the waters at this point. Letting go would be hard.

SureSHADE retractable awning
Reverse AC/heat added to helm
Folding stern bench seat
Replace horn
Wired Scotty down rigger bases (2)
Replace fresh water pump
Replace hot water heater
Replace cabin AC/heat water pump
Replace helm AC/heat water pump
Oster air fryer/toaster oven
LG microwave
Magma Marine Kettle propane grill
Replace B & D Space Saver coffee maker
Rebuild head plumbing
Replace head pump
LED running lights
LED white/red cabin lights
LED white/red inter/ext dome lights
LED bow light bar
LED white/red cockpit flood lights (2)
Replace Good anchor windlass motor
Anchor windlass deck switches
Good factory 600’ line/ 40’ chain
Rochna 35# anchor
Original anchor/200’ line/10’ chain
Blaster saltwater wash down pump
Blaster saltwater wash down pump (again)
Replace port throttle cable
Replace transom shower
Replace Azimuth 1000 compass
Replace shower sump pump/float switch
Add port/stbd arch rod holders
New 30 amp shore power cord
New Nibral 20 X 20 #3 cup propellers
Nibral 20 X 20 #3 cup spare props
Propeller puller
Replace Vetus dorade boxes
Fuel filter vacuum gauges (2)
Fresh water pickups to Groco strainers (2)
MarineMat 9mm decking
Water Witch high water bilge alarm
Replace batteries (house, port start, stbd start)
Rebuild Whale manual bilge pump
Caframo Pali bilge heater
Starboard water pump
Vizio flatscreen
LG CD player
Sony marine MEX-M72BT deck
Sony speakers
Mid Bilge Pump & Float Switch
Reverso oil change pump
Spare water pump impellers (2)
Impeller puller
Spare Racor fuel filters (2)
Spare oil filters (2)
Spare fan belts (2)
Unopened 5 gal. oil
Unopened 5 gal. transmission fluid

Remodeled dash
Furuno TZT 9 MFD
Furuno TZT2 12 MFD
Furuno DRS2D-NXT radar
Furuno DFF-3D multi-beam sonar
Furuno FM4800 VHF
Furuno SCX20 satellite compass
Furuno SCX22/21 pole mount
Shakespeare Phase III 6225-2
Simrad NAC3 autopilot
Simrad AP44 Controller
Simrad RF25 Rudder Feedback
Simrad Pump 3
Simrad GPS antenna
ScanStrut radar mast
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You can put your phone number in the ad but it isn’t recommended since you are putting personal information out on the internet. You can report the thread to the moderators and ask that they remove the phone number.
Thank you for all advice.
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