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2012 Zodiac 340 RIB with 30hp Honda

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Veteran Member
Apr 25, 2018
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
2012 Zodiac 340 RIB hard bottom inflatable with 30hp Honda 4 stroke. Motor has less than 20 hours! Stored for 6 years aboard a custom trawler with non-ethanol fuel. The trawler was owned by an elderly couple that was not comfortable launching the tender from the davit on the flybridge, so it got very little use. The trawler has been stored under cover for the past 7 years and the tender has its own cover as well. Hull is fiberglass and the tubes are hypalon. Motor has electric start, trim and tilt. Aluminum oars stow on side tubes for shallow water exploring. Side remote Steering, that folds down for a low profile stowing option, creates roominess and higher seating capacity only found on larger tenders. The removable second seating area forward of the helm allows comfortable seating for a total of 5. Forward molded in stowage locker is also a seating area. Comes with oars, battery, removable fuel tank, anchor, running lights, cover, and built in bilge pump. Great condition, Low Hours. No Trailer. Big enough for a party, small enough for Davits. Selling because of a new tender upgrade. Great opportunity for a little used, well cared for boat. The boat can be picked up in person or I can help arrange shipping at an additional cost. Boat is located in Chesapeake City, MD Price: $5200


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That is a great deal for someone!
Hey Vince. Are there any issues with the boat? Patches or anything else that needs attention? Are you sure on the hypalon tubes? Thought Zodiac used PVC. Is there a trailer available? From CT. Thanks
Deposit received on boat.

I received a deposit today on the RIB. Boat is off the market for now.
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