2021 TF Gathering in SE FL: 02/17 - 02/21

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Funny thing happened to me on the way...
I'm in ft Pierce right now. I know I risk being scolded by the rules gestapo but we're anchored in the great little spot called Faber cove. Only two boats here. Dinghy to marina and we walked to West Marine. HUGE mistake. Too hot and too scary walking down US1. Ubered back to marina.
Funny, small world. Oh, count me in on the official thing that we can only talk about :)
Hi Larry

Great Lena is her number one chef and number one wine taster. Will be on you yacht or land yacht?
You’re asking in August?:rofl: Plans are to be on Hobo to escape the cold northern climate of Jacksonville. :D

I somehow don't think Fort Pierce is far enough south for that! :D
I agree Larry, I’m leaving the warmth of Miami to visit the cold tundra of Ft Pierce. The only time I use the heat on the boat.
So we're locked in on February 17th to 20th? Will make reservations on Monday. Probably add a day on each end. Will have to hurry, only 173 days till I get to see my favorite cook. :flowers:

Ted your (other favorite cook) has the Saturday night formal dinner planned. Come hungry and thirsty
Ft Pierce is abut the first place it stays relatively warm because the Stream is never much more than about 15 miles off shore...

Even Cocoa Beach seems colder when I flip flop between Patrick AFB and Ft Pierce. It's way warmer than places north of Canaveral. Just look at the vegetation and you can sorta see the temperature zones of Florida.

I have been going there for 8 years and bicycling and walking on Rt 1 isn't all that bad at least in daytime. I have regularly walked 2 miles in either direction (past West Marine) and biked as far as Marine Liquidators to the north. It's really a nice spot both for weather and things to do when the virus isn't around. I have all but moved there full time.
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Scott did you need a visa? Glad your here with us consuming wine and beer.
I spoke to Anne today:
Anne Bowen | Marina Concierge | City of Fort Pierce
City Marina
Phone: 772.464.1245 | Fax: 772.464.2589 |1 Avenue A Fort Pierce 34950

She is the person to speak to for a reservation and she suggests that because they expect to be really busy then that you should make your reservations ASAP. My comment- you can always cancel if you can’t attend.

Ted Green (slow hand) and I (gotcha) are requesting dock space together on the floating docks, if you wish you can request a slip with us but I must warn you the Ted’s boat really shines so it may make ours look like crap.
Scott did you need a visa? Glad your here with us consuming wine and beer.

Not sure if you're referring to me or another Scott.

As for me, I have a US passport, so no problem with that. I am just hoping air travel and restrictions, etc., etc will be a bit more civil/tolerable come February. I have some family in central FL and had a visit planned for March 2020, but that, of course, was canceled. I hadn't picked a new timeslot to "retry" but now that I know this is going on in Ft. Pierce, maybe I can schedule my trip then.

Do you have any hotel in the immediate vicinity to recommend?
Sorry Scott, not you but our resident coastie, Scott Neeld. Your certainly welcome to attend, it’s always fun.

See you there.
Sorry Scott, not you but our resident coastie, Scott Neeld. Your certainly welcome to attend, it’s always fun.

See you there.
Thanks for clariying. I initially thought that, but then got to wondering why a visa would be relevant for a local...
Thanks for clariying. I initially thought that, but then got to wondering why a visa would be relevant for a local...


The better hotels are out by the sunshine Parkway and I 95. You may want to send John Baker a pm. He and Wendy have stayed at a motel on the way to the beach.
I am told that the Visa requirement is to keep us furriners from relocating here. Come here, spend money, okay. Otherwise, go home afterwards :) / SARC
So what's the latest thinking on this? Still going ahead or on hold until you see how everything shakes out?
Menzies. It’s a go at this time, some of us have reservations already. My feeling is make your reservations and if something comes up you can cancel. At this point the marina is not sure how many slips will be available so if you think your going to attend make your reservations now.
What the official dates for this? I will add them to the title avoid having to hunt through the posts. In fact, after hunting, it isn't clear what the official dates are.
What the official dates for this? I will add them to the title avoid having to hunt through the posts. In fact, after hunting, it isn't clear what the official dates are.
Arrive Wednesday February 17th and depart Sunday 21st. So Thursday through Saturday night.

count Dick Turner on Courage (KK42) to be there. I have already booked a slip at the marina.
I just put in a request for a reservation. I dunno if I'll get one, and if I do, I dunno if I'll be able to make it. We shall see :D
I will be there. Not sure if by boat or land, live in Ft Lauderdale, not far.
2021 TF Gather Ft Pierce

I just put in our reservation fot the TF gather. I should have confirmation tomorrow.
Lookin forward to seeing you all there.
It has been a mess of a year for us. Looking forward to a better 2021.
John and Priscilla Sage, La Vita Dolce
Cheoy Lee 40 LRC
Hotel is booked for us!!!
I've got a slip reserved, and am cautiously optimistic that I'll be able to make it this year :D
Commercial fisherman docked behind me noted the currents around the marina seemed stronger since last dredging operation.

I have not verified.

For those coming by boat, may want to make a mental note.
Thanks Scott unfortunately to make a mental note you need to have a working brain. That lets me out.
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