3 best PFDs?

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Why Not An Auto Inflate

It seems to me that if one is unfortunate enough to go overboard on a trawler there is a reasonable chance that one would have some injury or cold water shock that could hinder a manual inflate. My life jacket inflated when my kayak flipped once and I never got my glasses wet it was that quick. I know it would have taken me several seconds to find the manual inflate and activate it. That was in calm water. Falling six feet into the water I feel it would take longer.

There is some risk of premature inflation but I’ve been out in some heavy rain with no issues.

Isn’t auto inflate the best option?
Hydrostatic auto inflation is best imho. Both paper and salt triggers can inflate inadvertently. Probably less of an issue on power than sail but mine did when relashing down an anchor in the snot on passage producing injury. Was on sail but think that was irrelevant. You get just as wet on power if doing that kind of activity.
Many people who fall off a boat are unconscious or shortly become so. Needing a manual trigger means you’re dead. Some are so anxious with that event they won’t have it together enough to deploy a trigger or will have a hand injury that prevents it. So believe hydrostatic triggers are worth every penny.
So I have a PFD that is at least 20 years old and is not comfortable to wear. Maybe because I’m twice the size of the PO.

So I asked my young bride, who is really a cheapskate, about getting a new set. To my surprise she said yes.

So I asked her a few questions.

Do you want it to automatically inflate? Yes.
Do you want it to hold your head above water in case you go over as a result of being boinked in the head? Yes.
Do you want a gps locator attached so the USCG can find you? Yes.

So for more background, we do travel in the open water off the New Jersey shore and through Block Island Sound during the migration, so she is correct, and it’s not overkill.

Suggestions for 3 best models that fit our needs?


We use these Mustangs when locking thru, docking, etc... https://www.fisheriessupply.com/mustang-survival-hit-inflatable-pfd-hydrostatic-inflator-technology/md318302-262

Very comfortable, we often forget we have them on. We picked these because the back collar is made from a soft fabric which mitigates chafing. Like others have said, try them on and leave on for 5-10min, move around in them, reaching, etc.
so just to close this off, I ended up getting a pair of Mustang Survival HIT Inflatable PFDs and outfitted them with an Ocean Signal rescueME MOB1 Personal Locating AIS.

I don't really go more than 3 miles offshore ever, (for the run down the coast of NJ) so I didn't feel I needed a sat locator device.

They are very easy to wear and have a nice built in harness that I can snap onto when going topside to lower the antenna for passing under bridges.
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