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For Sale: 36' Prairie classic trunk cabin

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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s larry

Feb 8, 2014
Vessel Name
Moon River
Vessel Make
36 Prairie classic
1981 trawler, extensive upgrades to prepare for the 'Loop' which was completed in 2013 and ready to go again. includes charts and guides. 2 Perkins T6-354 diesel engines, 7.5 KW Kobuta generator, spacious interior with great storage, 2 reverse cycle A/C, 2 electric toilets [1 with Electo-Scan], holding tanks. Bimini with enclosure, 8'6" RIB dingy with 10 hp on davits. A US built trawler, Hargrave design semi-displacement hull with full keel. Queen size aft berth, large v-berth. contact for further info/ photos price $69,500
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If anyone on here buys this, let me know. I have the same boat, one year older, same engines. Not too many of them out there, so knowing other Prairie 36 owners would be a good thing.
ok, i will post when sold. do you have any fuel flow data? i am asked about it but haven't been able to find.
Funny you should ask. The gauges are useless. I've been building up some data by sticking the tanks before and after each run, but so far the only long-range trip has been the delivery run. That skewed the figures because (1) the weather was snotty most of the way, (2) I ran way above an economical cruise most of the time, and (3) the PO lied to me about the tanks being full when I bought it.

I've seen it better than 4 NMPG and 1.1 GPH, and I've seen it as bad as 1.4 NMPG and 6.5 GPH (that was running at 10-11 knots into heavy seas.) I believe if I keep it around 7.5 knots I'll be somewhere near that 4 NMPG figure, but I haven't been on a long enough leg at that speed to prove it yet. Floscans are on my wish list.
PM Sent - I hope! still new to forum and control panel - let me know if not received
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If anyone on here buys this, let me know. I have the same boat, one year older, same engines. Not too many of them out there, so knowing other Prairie 36 owners would be a good thing.

There was one that was sold by Oriental Yacht Brokers last year. I admired that boat for a long time. I imagine the owner is somewhere on the east coast. Nice looking boat. Compact twin engines. I believe those were also Perkins on her.
KneeDeep, I'm not sure if you wanted info and pic's of the 36 Prairie trawler but if so send me a PM with your email address.
Capt Tom, I think I got better than 4 mpg but using 1 engine underway with mid-throttle setting at about 7 knots.
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Capt Tom, i think i got better than 4 mpg but using 1 engine underway with mid-throttle setting at about 7 knots.

Thanks for the info. One more question: Do you have Borg Warner velvet drives? I've heard conflicting reports about running on one engine with this transmission. Or do you lock the shaft of the non-running engine?
Velvet drive has changed and said it is O.K.
Theirs a lot of sail boats running around with no problems that use Velvet Drives.
Don Souza
the book i have says ok to free wheel if lube levels kept at proper level
If anyone on here buys this, let me know. I have the same boat, one year older, same engines. Not too many of them out there, so knowing other Prairie 36 owners would be a good thing.

If this boat looks anything like your boat it is a grat deal for a good looking boat.
Could I please get pictures and further details? We are looking for a trawler and this one sounds like it might be appropriate.


1981 trawler, extensive upgrades to prepare for the 'Loop' which was completed in 2013 and ready to go again. includes charts and guides. 2 Perkins T6-354 diesel engines, 7.5 KW Kobuta generator, spacious interior with great storage, 2 reverse cycle A/C, 2 electric toilets [1 with Electo-Scan], holding tanks. Bimini with enclosure, 8'6" RIB dingy with 10 hp on davits. A US built trawler, Hargrave design semi-displacement hull with full keel. Queen size aft berth, large v-berth. contact for further info/ photos price $69,500

Would you e-mail photos to chuck@mountaintees.com

Thank you
sorry for delay, sending now
note that i will be cruising with this boat for the summer to the Chesapeake / Philadelphia and returning to Florida in Sept. but will sell when a buyer is ready.
We are the owners of Prairie 29 and are interested your boat. Could you send photos and details of your boat. We are in the process of selling our home on the West coast of Florida and move on as liveaboards.
Hi Stray cat,
I guess you are looking to move up to a prairie 36, if so,
would you be thinking of selling your prairie 29?
I have long admired these little trawlers and would be very
interested if you decide to sell!
Best Regards,

Larry (nosalt)

Yes we will be selling our 29 if we can purchase a 36.....I can send you photos and data ..send me your email... Thanks for inquiring. Donna:)
I love deals that are made on this forum.It's like the boats are staying in the family. :thumb:
Hi Donna,
I appreciate your quick response, and I hope you find the boat of your dreams.
Please send all info and photos to me at: lawrence.hernandez@att.net
Thank you,
Larry (nosalt)
sorry but i have been our of the country for several days. Moon River still for sale but we are using it til sold so now in NJ east of Phila for a while and returning to Fernandina Beach in early Sept. just back from airport and not on my computor where i have more photos/data. can you send private message with email? larry
Hi S Larry,
My name is Larry also, nosalt here on TF. I think your post reply was intended for "stray cat", she is looking to buy your boat and I am looking
to perhaps buy her boat! Small world isn't it. I hope all the planets align and we all get our wishes come true!
Good Luck,
Larry, nosalt
sorry but i have been our of the country for several days. Moon River still for sale but we are using it til sold so now in NJ east of Phila for a while and returning to Fernandina Beach in early Sept. just back from airport and not on my computor where i have more photos/data. you send private message with email? larry
We are in NJ and would love to see your boat. We have a fishing boat at Utsches Marina in Cape May and a shore house in Wildwood Crest. We recently chartered a trawler and loved it. Give us a call and let us now if we can meet up. Dave and Gail 215-783 2489
We are back in Fernandina Beach and showing the boat. any one interested please contact. Larry
reduced price

now listing at $62,500. 2 boat owner so want to move this one.
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