376 Gb head fills no flush

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Aug 31, 2023
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Grande Finale
Happy Independence day!! My 36 classic forward head fills creates a vortex but won't discharge. I'm guessing joker valve but before I get dirty, wanted to get some opinions. Thanks
Something--not the joker valve unless it's encrusted with sea water minerals-- is creating backpressure that's not allowing the flush. The most likely culprit is a blocked holding tank vent.
When air displaced by incoming waste cannot escape out the vent the tank becomes pressurized, creating increasing back pressure that prevents the toilet from flushing.

Do NOT use the toilet again or try to pump out or dump the tank until you've cleared the vent. Without a source of air to replace contents as they're being sucked out of the tank, the pump will pull a vacuum that'll prevent it from pulling out more than a gallon or two. A particularly strong pumpout can even implode a tank.

The two most common locations for a vent blockage are the vent thru-hull and the other end of the vent line--that end of the hose and the vent fitting on the tank. Start by cleaning out the thru-hull...use a screwdriver blade, ice pick--whatever works. If that doesn't result in a spew out the vent, you'll need to relieve the pressure before removing the vent line from the tank to clean them out...so open the deck pumpout fitting VERY CAREFULLY with a hose at the ready. Be sure you're UPwind of it! Scrape out that end of the vent line and the vent fitting on the tank...reconnect the vent line. If there's a filter in the vent line, get rid of it...filters actually help to create the very problem they're sold to solve, plus they're toast if they get wet--which can happen if tank overflows into the vent line..the charcoal swells and becomes a vent blockage.

To prevent vent line blockages, replace the "vent" thru-hull with an open bulkhead (aka "mushroom") fitting that'll let you put a hose nozzle against it to backflush the vent line every time you pumpout, dump or wash the wash the boat. Anything trying to set up housekeeping in it will just get a water slide ride into the tank...another good reason to get rid of the filter.

Hi Peggie,
Thank you so much your expertise is very much appreciated. Diving into it today hopefully not literally. Thanks again.
Curious if you have tried a toilet plunger?
Never use a plunger in any marine toilet except a VacuFlush. In any other toilet a plunger can"rearrange" the seals and gaskets in the pump.

We have one on board and use it without issue the odd time needed.
BTW, what pump, the hand pump style, the macerator type, or?
You reminded me of a very old saying: "There are 3 ways to do anything...the right way, the wrong way, and what some guy's gotten away with for 20 years."

Hi Peggy, How do you recommend clearing a clog in a Headhunter toilet? I've used a plunger with success and now I'm wondering if I just got lucky. Thanks in advance
HeadHunter toilets are one more in which it's safe to use a plunger in the HIGHLY unlikely event that it can be clogged. I saw Mel Melenger (founder of the company and CEO at the time) do a live demo 20+ years ago in which a HeadHunter successfully "swallowed" everything from Bic lighters to pantyhose because flushes don't go through the pump--at least they didn't in the version he was demo-ing. Retrieving it all from a holding tank was the only challenge.

If a clog is just an overload of TP and/or solid waste, those usually dissolve on their own in any toilet in a hour or less. Wet wipes are another matter. A HeadHunter is the only toilet I know of that can "swallow" those and that may be limited to only some versions.
So I recommend that you have a chat with HeadHunter about the use of a plunger in yours.

Peggy, Thanks for the Headhunter advice. I did have a couple of clogs that cleared easily with a plunger. I just found a leak from the pressure switch. Replaced the switch. The original switch was set at 40#, the new one I set to 50# on the advice of my marine plumber who is experienced on the brand. No clogs yet.
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