5 Tips On Purcashing A New Trawler

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Feb 7, 2010
If anyone is intersted in reading a fun and informative article you may want to checkout the free electronic version of Sea Magazine April edition.* We wrote the article as we start our*journey*for our third Nordhavn trawler.* While the*magazine messed up a few of the*paragraphs during formating*it is still worth reading.**

John T
I link would certainly help!
Why won't this guy ever post a link?
He's tooting his own horn.
At what point does he become spam? How are things in Maine? Our favorite place on the East coast has to be Boothbay!
As long as he is not taking advantage of this site to sell things......

I have no problem with him sharing a link to an article he wrote.
Daddyo wrote:

At what point does he become spam? How are things in Maine? Our favorite place on the East coast has to be Boothbay!
Things in Maine are economically poor (more so than usual) but spring and boating season seem like they might make an early appearance.

Boothbay is nice but a bit crowded and touristy for us. Penobscot Bay is where we are and what we like.

Do you ever hear or call tourist "summer jerks"? My family up there uses those words, I thought it was a Maine saying
albin43 wrote:

Do you ever hear or call tourist "summer jerks"? My family up there uses those words, I thought it was a Maine saying

Never heard that term. "Summer Complaints" I hear from time to time.
Interesting comments from a select few!*My intentions are*only to share real time "free" informative stories to assist others.**We are not tooting any horns.**I work*very*hard and sacrificed a lot to*own our two small Nordhavns.**It took timing,*creative financing and lots of luck for an average guy like myself to pull this off.**I'm proud of what we have done to*live our retirement*dream a little early in life as*there are no guarentees in life.* In support of this great web-site I plan*to continue to provide*informative "Free" information for those who want to read it.**

If anyone would like*to discuss any specifics related to Nordhavn trawlers*let me know and we can exchange emails.**

John T
Maria Elena *****
No problem John. It would be helpful if you provide a link....that is my only complaint.

I love Nordhavns and dearly wish I could have the 55. How are the prices holding up in today's economy? There are many more on the used market than two or three years ago it seems. The 40 that seems to get the best use is Rene Hemingway's and Don Douglass's vessel Baidarka, what a treat their guides are. Where are your cruising plans taking you this summer?
I don't understand why you aren't getting this. You have posted information related to other sites here on several occasions but you seem to be refusing to post a link, why? The idea isn't to make us work to get your "free" advise. If your intent is to inform us then why don't you simply do that? Any useful ie: freely supplied, info is appreciated and desired.
To heck woth a link,

IF its for US to see simply post it here!

No reason to have folks chasing to Hell & back just to read someones OPINION.
This seems to require a "free" subscription in order to view.* I had one, but have forgotten my password.* I have no desire to re-subscribe just to read the tips, but perhaps someone will post it here?...............Arctic Traveller
Okay then....how bout a cut n paste???
Thanks for the response. I attempted to cut and past from the electronic version but with the pitcures it would not allow. Here is the link "digitaledtion@seamagazine.com" I hope this works. By the way, we have a buyer for our Nordhavn 40 and look forward to closing the deal within a few weeks. I'm currently writing another artilce that addresses selling a used boat in todays rough economic times. While this sales took much longer than our first Nordhavn back in 2007 we did out perform the real estate market and my 401K that took a killing. Nordhavn's are still holding thier values better than most brands. If anyone is interested in specific numbers feel free to contact me directly at N4061@yahoo.com.
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