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I've always used something like that when doing CPR....are they not still in use ?


Yes, that device is what they tend to call an Air Viva, and is still used, but as I said before, only helpful if you have plumbed or bottled oxygen handy, and more than one person to do the resus with. In the scenarios we are discussing here that is not the case.

Same with AEDs. They are useful and worth having, (call it cost effective, if you like), where there is a concentration of potential heart attack or drowning victims.
Eg, on charter boats, especially if diving/snorkelling is involved, nursing homes, hospitals (obviously), doctors surgeries also (tho, as discussed, seldom needed/used), and other places where people gather in larger numbers like shopping malls, theatres, etc. They are becoming more commonly installed in these places. In most countries most ambulances will have them, (didn't used to), also fire trucks commonly carry them. But for the average person and their vehicle or vessel, not justified, unless it gives you a buzz just to know you have one just in case that one in a million incident occurs. If so, and you know how to use it and do CPR, and cost is not an issue, then go for it...just don't feel bad if you don't. :)
So, I've been thinking of getting an AED for a long time for a variety of reasons. While I'm new to the forum, this discussion has brought another situation to mind for me that would make the item valuable to have. After reading through all the threads, I didn't notice any recommendations on which one to get. Anyone have any opinions? I've been considering the following few based on reviews, size, features, etc.

LifePak Express AED

One of the Zoll AEDs

Defibtech Lifeline AED

Also, any opinions of AED Superstore for AEDs?

Finally, there was some discussion on heart attacks vs sudden cardiac arrest events and when an AED makes sense to use. I think it was straightened out that it doesn't help for heart attacks, which from my read is true. But this article did a nice job breaking it apart.

I've noticed more AEDs around and consider them a valuable tool to have in the emergency tool kit. While I hope to never use one, it's been a bit startling to learn about how common some of these events actually are, and in seemingly healthy people. If I have the chance to help, I'd like to be able to!

Great discussion.
Full disclosure I only read the first page here but I did see some very useful info....Here's my .02 cents (I am a 20+yr Paramedic/Flight Paramedic...married to an ex Paramedic ER doc...)

If you or your patient are in a medical condition to need an AED..your condition is GRAVE...likely not surviveable unless you have near immediate access to Advanced Medical Care....and your outcome generally only improves with very quick access to specialist hospitalization (Cardiac ICU etc).

I believe your first aid money would be much better spent on pro-clotting bandages and supplies for traumatic injuries which if managed correctly can be restrained until such time as advanced medical clinicians can get to you or you to them and/or possibly overcome in the field with the stopping of frank hemorrhage and application of fluids (IV or otherwise)...

In my opinion if you've made the decision to live life away from a major metropolitan center in a 1st world country you should at minimum carry Advanced First Aid certification and if at all possible take an IV placement class....IV fluids can be the game changer in several traumatic and medical scenarios when living on the deep blue or in the bush..

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Full disclosure I only read the first page here but I did see some very useful info....Here's my .02 cents (I am a 20+yr Paramedic/Flight Paramedic...married to an ex Paramedic ER doc...)

If you or your patient are in a medical condition to need an AED..your condition is GRAVE...likely not surviveable unless you have near immediate access to Advanced Medical Care....and your outcome generally only improves with very quick access to specialist hospitalization (Cardiac ICU etc).

I believe your first aid money would be much better spent on pro-clotting bandages and supplies for traumatic injuries which if managed correctly can be restrained until such time as advanced medical clinicians can get to you or you to them and/or possibly overcome in the field with the stopping of frank hemorrhage and application of fluids (IV or otherwise)...

In my opinion if you've made the decision to live life away from a major metropolitan center in a 1st world country you should at minimum carry Advanced First Aid certification and if at all possible take an IV placement class....IV fluids can be the game changer in several traumatic and medical scenarios when living on the deep blue or in the bush..


I can appreciate that input. I'd say go for both if you've got the cash, but I can see why you'd argue for going that direction over spending $1,000's on an AED if you're on a budget.

For my part, I appreciate the thought.
Full disclosure I only read the first page here but I did see some very useful info....Here's my .02 cents (I am a 20+yr Paramedic/Flight Paramedic...married to an ex Paramedic ER doc...)

If you or your patient are in a medical condition to need an AED..your condition is GRAVE...likely not surviveable unless you have near immediate access to Advanced Medical Care....and your outcome generally only improves with very quick access to specialist hospitalization (Cardiac ICU etc).

I believe your first aid money would be much better spent on pro-clotting bandages and supplies for traumatic injuries which if managed correctly can be restrained until such time as advanced medical clinicians can get to you or you to them and/or possibly overcome in the field with the stopping of frank hemorrhage and application of fluids (IV or otherwise)...

In my opinion if you've made the decision to live life away from a major metropolitan center in a 1st world country you should at minimum carry Advanced First Aid certification and if at all possible take an IV placement class....IV fluids can be the game changer in several traumatic and medical scenarios when living on the deep blue or in the bush..

Same as my experiences....

But in a perfect world with an unlimited budget......

There are many tools at our disposal, AEDs included, Sat phones with direct medical contact, hundreds of hours of medical training, etc...etc...

Life is a balance for most of us......

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