American Marine/John Deere 6404DF-01 Water pump

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Recently sold 3 of these! See what I use instead.

That looks pretty sweet. I dislike the oberdorfers but the next time I need to rebuild one i shall strongly consider this. It looks like you also have removed the engine room fans from your motors. I am considering this given one of my motors fans sheared off all its blades and Im not convinced they do much anyway. Did you remove your fans? Did you notice any issues if you did?
The fans in my boat were removed by a previous owner. In BC it does not seen to get too hot in the ER. About 110F at the top of ER.
Ha thats good to know. Im in Sequim WA not too far from you. In looking at your pics of the raw water pump (RWP) all I see is one arm to stabilize it to the crank shaft pulley. I don't understand how it stays on. Can you send me the pump specs/description? BTW, I did a similar thing with the old Onan gent set. I mounted a jabsco RWP on the front deck of it next tot he internal coolant pump and stopped paying thru the nose to replace or rebuild the proprietary shaft driven pump. Man what an improvem for a fraction of the cost.
Pump is a Johnson 10-24946-01.

Pump is supported by its own flange on its drive shaft. I originally made a torque reaction arm to stop it turning but discovered that the hoses held it before the torque arm started reacting. No need for torque arm (torque is very low).

It must be firmly bolted to the crankshaft pulley. I machined a special adapter.
Interesting. The torque arm still might be a good idea as the hoses wear with time. Thanks for the info. Cheers
The fans in my boat were removed by a previous owner. In BC it does not seen to get too hot in the ER. About 110F at the

The fans in my boat were removed by a previous owner. In BC it does not seen to get too hot in the ER. About 110F at the top of ER.
Hi again:)

Any chance you might be able to tell me the diameter of the water pump pulley. Im trying to find two but not having any luck. I note the bolt pattern is offset 1/4 of an inch. My current one (ie with broken off fan blades) is about 7.5 inches. Also FYI I measured my Engine Room temps at full cruise ongoing for about 5 hours and they stayed steady at 83-84F.
I would be happy to measure my pulley but am travelling at the moment. PM me in Oct.
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