An Adult Adoption

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Great story. Glad you shared it.
We too have adopted a young lady, when she was 23. Now she has been
our girl since 2012 on Valentine's Day. We love her and her family as much
as our own daughter that is about the same age.
Great story. Glad you shared it.
We too have adopted a young lady, when she was 23. Now she has been
our girl since 2012 on Valentine's Day. We love her and her family as much
as our own daughter that is about the same age.

There are so many young people in need of help. Similarly I love seeing young people adopt the elderly as grandparents.
We still know nothing about parenting

IMHO, your know EVERYTHING that is fundamental to parenting....and your daughter is living proof :). Lead by example. Congrats.
IMHO, your know EVERYTHING that is fundamental to parenting....and your daughter is living proof :). Lead by example. Congrats.

Wifey B: I still think we know very little and we watch our niece grow up and love every moment with her, but still wonder if we could ever have handled all the day to day responsibility of a child. The only things I can say we know are love and respect, support, and honesty, plus to guide and assist but not to judge. While we appreciate the kind words, we still think it was as much luck on our part as having any idea what we were doing. However, we think most parents say the same, not like there's a perfect game plan to follow. :)
Wifey B: I still think we know very little and we watch our niece grow up and love every moment with her, but still wonder if we could ever have handled all the day to day responsibility of a child. The only things I can say we know are love and respect, support, and honesty, plus to guide and assist but not to judge. While we appreciate the kind words, we still think it was as much luck on our part as having any idea what we were doing. However, we think most parents say the same, not like there's a perfect game plan to follow. :)

Practice makes perfect, keep at it. Rescue parents are in demand.
I just wanted to say congratulations to the original poster and their family, and send my best wishes for continued happiness. I also wanted to take a moment to acknowledge those who have chosen to become foster parents, especially those who provide care for sick children. It takes a special kind of person to open up their home and their heart to a child in need, and your selflessness is truly inspiring.
Some (including myself) believe you’ve had a good life if it left the world a better place than when you were born into it. All those little and big things you do to achieve that goal makes you centered and happy. Those egocentric grabbing people never understand that simple concept and always want more and are also in competition in every action and thought of their days. Wish more people understood that’s not a satisfying way to live. People live secret lives where they don’t miss an opportunity to help. God bless all those here and elsewhere who live such a life.
That was one of the best stories I've read yet.

Good on you guys!
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