Any Feedback on SidePower Thruster Upgrade?

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Nov 20, 2014
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MS 34 HT Trawler
Wondering if anyone has done the upgrade to the Side Power thrusters used on late model yr MS's
Tentatively planning to do mine (B&S) while on the hard for winter and looking for some user feedback.
Advertised as quieter and more effective...
I'm more than satisfied w current operation but thinking spare props would be a good move as we are planning on a 3 mo cruise in 2019.
I had the new models put on our Eastbay 47 when we bought it. I had little experience with the old ones, so I can't offer much in the way of comparison. They do seem to be somewhat quieter than the old ones. They're by no means 'silent'. They do provide quick action. Doesn't take much to see lateral hull movement.

I kept the old ones as spares. They'd been painted, had a nick or two and generally looked pretty rough. The boat was out, the props needed to come off anyway for bottom blasting/repainting, so I made the switch. My boat guy says word is the new ones are somewhat more fragile than the old kind. No idea if that's true or not, just a rumor he's heard.
I did the "upgrade" a few years ago. Frankly didn't notice much change in performance or sound.

But maybe that's just me.
I upgraded to them at the same time I switched motors from 12 to 24 volt. Can't truthfully tell you which part made more of a difference, but there's a big difference. They're not indestructible. Have broken blades 3 times. Twice I think it was fish; once I think it was debris in a lock. Keep a spare set of props if cruising fishy waters.

I can't speak to the questions you posed but will make a comment about installing a thruster. GO BIG.

When I bought our boat and was putting a thruster on it the specs called for ~275 ft/lbs of torque. The boat yard manager suggested going with 300 with an 8" tube so I OK'd that. He couldn't find one so at his expense he went with a ~325 with a 10" tube.

I could not be happier. Noise? Who cares? You only use it for a few seconds so who really cares about a little extra noise? What I care about is the thing moves the bow where and when I want it to.
I did both the IPC upgrade as well as the Q prop upgrade when I installed my NOS SP55 sidepower thruster. The IPC kit makes a lot of sense if you have a SP model. It essentially updated it to a SE60. Never a solenoid problem.

And yes, it is big for the size of the boat.
I did both the IPC upgrade as well as the Q prop upgrade when I installed my NOS SP55 sidepower thruster. The IPC kit makes a lot of sense if you have a SP model. It essentially updated it to a SE60. Never a solenoid problem.

And yes, it is big for the size of the boat.
Northern Spy
Hadn't looked into or considered the IPC upgrade. Will consider it.
I have had zero problems w thrusters... have you had any issues or just made sense to do?
Somehow missed seeing your folks while spring commissioning this year but I see the boat is is at their marina.
Just my limited knowledge of solenoid operation and some horror stories of locked solenoids caused me to do the upgrade. Should prolong the life of the motor and solenoids.

As an ex-submariner, I HAD to get the swept fin, odd numbered blade Q-prop, just because...

I think the prop change requires an anode style change too. I'm using the aluminum anodes. Not quite half consumed after 5 years in salt water.
Upgraded mine and noticed a bit more thrust than before...seems to be the same humm noise when using them.

At the same time I did upgrade from push button to joy stick controls both at lower helm and fly bridge...what a difference for intuitive usage, especially in tight docking situations...well worth the $ spent. When you push joy stick to port in a panic mode with wind shifts, vessel goes to port! Now I almost look like I know what I am doing...somewhat.
I did the prop upgrade on my recently acquired trawlers stern and bow thrusters. Did not have much experience with the old props, but there didn't seem to be any noticeable change in thrust.

Couple notes on that replacement...
- the old props were really fused onto the shafts, had to cut the hubs and split them to remove the old blades (they were plastic and easy to cut without damaging the shaft).
- be sure to inspect the shear pins. The kits come with a new set. and lube the shaft before installing the new pins and props.
- it is worth reaming out the threaded shaft where the zinc-attaching screw sits with a tap, mine were filled with rust and old threadlok compound making it difficult to install the new zinks.
- my zincs were fused onto the old blades also, and all but one missing it's screw. Probably because the threads in the shaft were so fouled and the diver gave up on them.
Thanks for the tips. I have parts in hand but waiting for winter haul out to do the upgrade.
Appreciate the tips.
Proportional Control?

Has anyone upgraded to the proportional control(s)?

It appears fairly streightforward and not super costly (though the new controls are spendy). IMTRA wants to inspect/repair the motor, applies a new warranty, and the rest looks like a DIY plug and play job. Running the cable for the new controls appears to be the most complex part.

I would like to have the capability it offers.


I had a marina replace the motor and solenoid on a 34 pilot. The motor was a bit stronger and works well. Ordered direct from IMTRA

What is getting swapped out? What are you doing with your old parts?
I bought the upgraded props and will install them and keep the old ones for spares.
We are planning on an extended cruise 2019 and I was originally going to get a dpare prop. Decided to go w the upgrade so I'll have 2 sets of spares.
I also installed the remote. I'm thinking it may come in handy w 100+ locks & anchoring next season.
Getting old and trying to make it as easy as possible for my admiral & me.
Wondering if anyone has done the upgrade to the Side Power thrusters used on late model yr MS's
Tentatively planning to do mine (B&S) while on the hard for winter and looking for some user feedback.
Advertised as quieter and more effective...
I'm more than satisfied w current operation but thinking spare props would be a good move as we are planning on a 3 mo cruise in 2019.

Get more power and less noise with your existing trusters.

I have got many good advises from you Bacchus over the years. Here is one to you.
I’m upgrading both trusters on my 400 with speedcontrols.
They will not be more powerful but lot more quiet in slow mode and also a nice HOLD-feature.
In order to get more power is to make sure the voltage over the truster. Side Power from Sleipner specify the power, to 95kg for mine SP 95 at 10,5V, some other brand require 12V to get the specified power. 12V is almost impossible to get at mine 600A. Low voltage over the trusters is very common.
I measured only 9V and together with sharp tunnel ends on my Mainship it gives probably only half the the stated power. I’m going to fix this with extra batteris close to the thrusters.
With rounded tunnel ends and Q-props I calculate to get about 100kg.

When the voltage drops the current increases and the speed decreaces and also the power.
With rounded tunnel ends the power increases up to 35% and the sound level decrease with 8dB according to the video from Sleipner below,
Thanks for the tips.
At this point I am satisfied enough w the performance that I don't think I will make the mods you recommend. I do think you are going in all the right directions I just don't want or need to $pend that much.
I have added the remote and so far think it will come in handy. I have the new props and will put those on in the spring.
Thanks for the tips.
At this point I am satisfied enough w the performance that I don't think I will make the mods you recommend. I do think you are going in all the right directions I just don't want or need to $pend that much.
I have added the remote and so far think it will come in handy. I have the new props and will put those on in the spring.

The remote will for sure come in handy. I will probably buy one too.
My advise was not the speed control it was the two more importens things, to get more side power and less noise.

Make sure you have as much voltage over the truster as possible. Sleipner calculate about +20% if you increase from 10,5V to 12V. If you only have like me 9V it will give you even more reduction than -20%. So we talking about 50% less sidepower in my case, incl. the the sharp tunnel ends from Mainship.

Mainship like many others Mf made very sharp tunnel ends.
Rounded tunnel ends will give more side power and less noise for a small amount of money according to the video link from Sleipner.
I’m just doing it on my MS 400.

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