Bahamas Flotilla

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Just throwing my name in here so I can keep up with the thread. :thumb:

Count us in, we would love to do that. We are on the west coast of Florida but thats no big deal.
Bahamas Crossing


We live in Ft. Pierce and are always looking for flotillas heading to Abacos. We have a slow, 36 Monk Trawler.
Count us in by that time. Although we wish it were a year earlier...not so far off. I believe we will ready by next March or so. The way I look at it is any cruise that's good enough for RTF is good enough for us. Wayfarer, you are welcome to ride with us.
Does “No shoes, no shirt, no service” apply in the Bahama’s?

Shoes only effect your participation only, if I were you I would keep a spare. As the SEALS say two is one and one is none. LMAO
I think that sounds fun!

We have been in the Abacos since June 5th and I’m having a great time working on the boat in all these pretty locations, but it would be more fun for my very social wife if we had a group with us.

This is growing, it may just happen. Menzies are you taking names?
Mr. B. I don't think Mr. m need take any names. They will be part of the public record and available to anyone...

I think that sounds fun!

We have been in the Abacos since June 5th and I’m having a great time working on the boat in all these pretty locations, but it would be more fun for my very social wife if we had a group with us.

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Are you saying that you’re not the social equal of your Admiral? Perhaps ingesting a few more of those attractive tropical cocktails would help.:socool: Additionally, a rapid acquisition of one of those 1/2 acre catamarans would probably attract more guests.
We would be in. We are leaving for the Abacos June 29th.
Sounds like a great idea, I am very interested.
Count us in by that time. Although we wish it were a year earlier...not so far off. I believe we will ready by next March or so. The way I look at it is any cruise that's good enough for RTF is good enough for us. Wayfarer, you are welcome to ride with us.

Well that’s mighty kind, sir! Can I bring my worm farms?
Mr. W. Just a couple of comments...Our Mr. fb inferred that this junket was "...good enough for RTF...". I never said or intimated anything of the sort. The conditions of my parole stipulate that I am NOT to associate with "troublemakers", to put it politely. Further, I do not wish to jeopardize my good standing with Bahamian Customs and Immigration officials by being put on the watch list.

Regarding your worm farm and entry into the Bahamas. IF your worms are family pets they may have to have a recent veterinary certificate of health. IF they are bait...Shame on you. Family pets indeed!
Mr. W. Just a couple of comments...Our Mr. fb inferred that this junket was "...good enough for RTF...". I never said or intimated anything of the sort.The conditions of my parole stipulate that I am NOT to associate with "troublemakers", to put it politely. Further, I do not wish to jeopardize my good standing with Bahamian Customs and Immigration officials by being put on the watch list.
Mr. RTF, You've slipped up, and the truth has finally come to light.
It's you who has the history (criminal record) as a troublemaker (as parole often stipulates no association with the same riffraff). While I find your actions commendable in not drawing us amateur troublemakers over the line with guilt by association, it does concern me that the Bahamian government is willing to overlook your record in pursuit of money.

USCG doesn't charge for most rescues even if the boaters were totally at fault for a variety of inexcusable reasons.... ;)

Morality? Good SAR policy? Service to public? I dunno….you all decide :)
USCG doesn't charge for most rescues even if the boaters were totally at fault for a variety of inexcusable reasons.... ;)

Morality? Good SAR policy? Service to public? I dunno….you all decide :)

From an online dictionary:

Entity: an organization (such as a business or governmental unit) that has an identity separate from those of its members

Don't confuse those in Washington with the honorable civil servants in the field (sea).

Mr. W. Just a couple of comments...Our Mr. fb inferred that this junket was "...good enough for RTF...". I never said or intimated anything of the sort. The conditions of my parole stipulate that I am NOT to associate with "troublemakers", to put it politely. Further, I do not wish to jeopardize my good standing with Bahamian Customs and Immigration officials by being put on the watch list.

Regarding your worm farm and entry into the Bahamas. IF your worms are family pets they may have to have a recent veterinary certificate of health. IF they are bait...Shame on you. Family pets indeed!

RT, they don't do background checks when you enter and there is no way the ankle bracelet will survive the salt air on the trip over. Once it falls off you will be safe as your ne'er-do-well status will be well hidden. As for Wayfarer's worm collection, I never turn down free bait!
I doubt I would be floating by the time the departure date comes, but I do like the idea of a buddy boat when going outside US mainland waters. I've only boated between NC and FL, around and just outside, ICW. I've been offshore in NC and SC and not far at that.

Does “No shoes, no shirt, no service” apply in the Bahama’s?

I was told a loin cloth was minimum for service. :rofl:
I think that sounds fun!

We have been in the Abacos since June 5th and I’m having a great time working on the boat in all these pretty locations, but it would be more fun for my very social wife if we had a group with us.

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If you stock up on IPAs, I'll be aboard handing you tools and offering motivational advice. :D

Sounds like a lot of fun:thumb:

Are you sure you're not skiing that weekend? :whistling:

This sounds like too much fun to pass up. I might even have family in town during the Rendezvous. If I can get Curly (SOF) to join us, I'll commit to being there. I may need a chauffeur one night.
Betcha if RT participates, it would be anonymously.

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