Bent up a prop last weekend

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Good to know. I bought a prop about 18 years ago and I think at that time it was a competitive price. Had both analyzed a several years ago and the turn around time was okay then.
Glad to hear you found a good price elsewhere.

Many people speak highly of them. I must of just got them on a bad day.
I don't mind the paying up front, I kind of figured it would be that way.
But the super high price was kind of confusing to me.
The 4 blade is smoother in most boats, but probably never notice it in a Detroit powered boat. It will also give me grater control at low speeds.

Far as Cup no Cup he said there is not much info on my style of boat for a cup no cup. But he recommends the Cupped prop to help reduce cavitation.

Not convinced about greater control. I went from 3 to 4 blades. More bite in forward gear, lot less in reverse at docking speeds.

No difference noticed in smoothness at any speed. (although I'm maxed out at 9Kn)

Never had a cavitation problem so cupping seemed superfluous. 2:1 reduction on Lehman P90's. Not interested in hole shots to get boat up on plane :lol:
Not convinced about greater control. I went from 3 to 4 blades. More bite in forward gear, lot less in reverse at docking speeds.

No difference noticed in smoothness at any speed. (although I'm maxed out at 9Kn)

Never had a cavitation problem so cupping seemed superfluous. 2:1 reduction on Lehman P90's. Not interested in hole shots to get boat up on plane :lol:

Fair assumption. I know I'm weeding the wrong garden on this style of boat. But many here have been around the block a few more times than myself. Just looking for some common knowledge that could be passed down.
It's probably worth a call to Krueger across the canal from Ballard. I have used them a couple of times with good results, though never for a repair like this - just for scanning and tuning. But they have a good reputation.
Prop discussions are always interesting... for that matter... discussion about anchors are interesting too; but, that's a whole other story! Anecdotes about both items range from following the general laws of physics to what it seems are fantasies concocted by some product owners; e.g. such as slightly [or even largely] increased numbers/results than what actually occurs.

There are many reasons for many different designs and types of props being best in and for many different circumstances.

Although the needs of and for different prop designs amount to virtually unlimited groups of variables... every variable group [nearly always] breaks down to general laws of physics that can meet desired results.

Solas - Basic Propeller Info [Choosing the Right Propeller, By Neil Mullen]:
We pulled the boat on Friday. After 10 months in the water and about 500 km the bottom paint is holding up well. I use Micron 66, its not cheap, but seems to do the job well. We pulled the prop and took it to the prop shop. They pulled the numbers and stated the prop was bronze and looks to have been bought in 1989. So I ordered up a new set, the same as what was on it. After all the 3/4/bronze/NiBral/Cup no cup. We went with the same ones again. Michigan wheel Dyna 3 blade in Bronze, no cup, same pitch. I added new zinks on everything but the divers dream as it was still looking good. Washed the bottom and added one more coat of micon 66 to the sides and where the log chipped the paint. Waxed the hull and tossed it back into the water on Saturday as its 9-18 weeks for the props to show up. The only other issue was the ram is slightly bent and blew a seal. So I will have that replaced as well. The shafts are straight and the struts/bushings are in good shape with no major wear or damage. I was hopeful that the prop could be repaired, at least for a emergency back up set. But there is a large crack in it.


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As to the steering ram, I have had them rebuilt with good success. Cost about half of a new one. I sent it to, no affiliation.

Our Formula 41PC originally came with 5 blade props and some came with 4. Ours had 3 blade props on it when we bought it. Don’t know what or how much difference a 4 or 5 blade would make. It seems to turn up to max RPMs according to the dash tachs. I asked that the tech from Cummins check the RPMs and insure that the engines did turn the max, however when he got to the boat I asked if he brought a photo tach, of course he didn’t. So I bought one but have not had an opportunity to check the max RPMs yet.
I asked that the tech from Cummins check the RPMs and insure that the engines did turn the max, however when he got to the boat I asked if he brought a photo tach, of course he didn’t.

Hate that kind of service!
Well, it has been 2 months and they have not sent me a bill yet…
I might have missed it in the thread but did you see if it could be repaired? I've seen much worse prop damage (not on my boat!!!:nonono:) that was repairable.

I've had mine tuned as a pair. Now I use the local Prop Scan shop so he has the computer profile on the prop and doesn't need the other prop for a match.

I might have missed it in the thread but did you see if it could be repaired? I've seen much worse prop damage (not on my boat!!!:nonono:) that was repairable.

I've had mine tuned as a pair. Now I use the local Prop Scan shop so he has the computer profile on the prop and doesn't need the other prop for a match.


The prop had a large crack in it. They can weld it up, but the cost is almost the same as ordering a new one. We are 10 weeks on order and they still do not have a cast date. I am thankful this happened towards the end of our season. We only missed one scheduled outing. I am keeping my eye out for a set of used spares. But I kind of have an odd size prop to shaft size.
The high cost of the weld repair likely is to make it "like new". You could ask the prop shop to do a "redneck" weld, let it be ugly. Our NC prop guy will do that for us locally. Very inexpensive, and can keep you mobile til the new ones show up.

Who knows when the new ones will actually show up. Crazy world to be trying to get stuff like this.

Whether it is worth in the off season, up to you.
We are 10 weeks on order and they still do not have a cast date.

I believe Michigan has their props cast in Taiwan and Thailand. Once cast, they are shipped via container so add another 10 weeks for shipping. I decided to sacrifice a little pitch to buy a set on the shelf instead of waiting.
My new to me boat came with a spare set but one was mangled pretty badly. Sent it out to the shop that all the yards around here use, they just sent it back untouched. Said that particular alloy couldn't be heated up enough to bend it back to shape. I tried another mom & pop type shop who said no problem they could do it. They heated it up and bent it back just a little at a time working on it only a half hour or so a day. Apparently the big shop didn't want to spend that much time on it. They had it almost a month, but it came back looking like new. (It's still a spare, we'll see how it holds up if I ever have to use it.) And only cost $250. The big shop would have charged $430 just to tune and polish, repair would have been extra. Anyway, a good shop can repair most any prop.
I believe Michigan has their props cast in Taiwan and Thailand. Once cast, they are shipped via container so add another 10 weeks for shipping. I decided to sacrifice a little pitch to buy a set on the shelf instead of waiting.

That would be a disappointment if true. I paid more for Michigan as they said it was a US made prop.
Well we have officaly owned Triton for a year today. And on that note I have been looking for a spare set of used props. And lone behold I found a set ! Granted that are on the East Coast and I am on the West. But they are being boxed up and shipped out this week. When we were shopping for new props there was the 3/4 Cup no cup discution. I went with the exact replacement as I was happy with the performance. The used spares are simular to my props but come with a cupped blade. I think I will toss them on when they get here and see how they compare to my standards.

So let this be a lesson to everyone. Get a spare set of Props if your in the PNW.
You will hit a log at some point. Props are currently 10-20 weeks out. If this had happended in May of this year I would have not been able to use the boat all summer.
And one more point.
Its been 14 weeks since I ordered my new props.
They still do not have a ship date. If you think you need a set, better order soon as the new orders are 20 weeks + out. And you are correct, Michigan does not cast their own.
16 weeks no new props...

The spare set I bought from the East coast showed up... Damaged by Fedex.
Looks as if a forklift went though the box and cut a prop blade. They were shipped insured, now fighting Fedex for payment..


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WOW!!! You just can't catch a break on your props... Just re-read through the entire string...
I had somewhat of a similar experience 3.5 years ago. FIRST trip out on the sound (heading to Poulsbo). We had just bought the boat a few weeks prior (ugh). I ALWAYS watch the water from the flybridge like a hawk.
I was messing with the "new-2-me" instruments, going about 12-13kts.

And... BOOM, thud, thud, thud...

Hit a sunken log, bent my port side prop almost in half. Had to limp the rest of the way into Poulsbo... I was SOOO PISSED!!!!

Luckily, I have really good insurance (Travelers Yacht Coverage). Ended up being over $16K in damages.

CSR did the majority of the work along with the Prop Shop. Overall, happy with the work. Checked out my transmissions, rudders, seals.

sent both props/shafts to Prop Shop. They "repaired" my old ones well enough to be spares. Balanced out my shafts.

Did the same thing you did, contemplated 3 vs. 4 blades. I ended up going to 4-blade props. I've been very happy with them. I think on the next haul-out, I may take them in to take a bit of pitch out of them. They are a little off on reaching max rated RPM (~200 RPM short).

While I had mine out, I added some underwater lights as well as a stern thruster (CSR let's you do, DIY work in their yard). So while they were doing all the prop "stuff" I did the other items...

Now I have:
1. new props
2. newly tuned shafts
3. new dripless
4. new cutlass bearings
5. new shaft couplers
6. rudders checked
7. transmissions checked
8. "spare" set of props

9. stern thruster
10. underwater lights


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BTW, I just saw these. 3-5 days to bore/key/balance and ship.

Seems like a decent price, even shipping doesn't look bad to WA.

2x 28" x 32 pitch (no cupping, but you can add) 1.75" shaft NIBRAL...

$5,272 all in with UPS shipping...

Might be worth a look! :)


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BTW, I just saw these. 3-5 days to bore/key/balance and ship.
Seems like a decent price, even shipping doesn't look bad to WA.
2x 28" x 32 pitch (no cupping, but you can add) 1.75" shaft NIBRAL...
$5,272 all in with UPS shipping...
Might be worth a look! :)

Call them as they don't carry every possible size in stock. They may have something close. Excellent service.
Now I have:
1. new props
2. newly tuned shafts
3. new dripless
4. new cutlass bearings
5. new shaft couplers
6. rudders checked
7. transmissions checked
8. "spare" set of props

9. stern thruster
10. underwater lights

The props and lights turned out nice!
Call them as they don't carry every possible size in stock. They may have something close. Excellent service.

Thank you much, I will call in the AM when they are open.
One of the issues I had was the DJ3B28B Dyna-Jet is not made in a 1.75 shaft and it had to be ordered. I was told this is the prop I needed for the speed of the boat and the HP/rpm.

But I see the MYT3B28B HyTorq is made in the correct shaft size.

So I will see what they say tomorrow.
BTW, I just saw these. 3-5 days to bore/key/balance and ship.

Seems like a decent price, even shipping doesn't look bad to WA.

2x 28" x 32 pitch (no cupping, but you can add) 1.75" shaft NIBRAL...

$5,272 all in with UPS shipping...

Might be worth a look! :)

Thank you for the info, I gave them a call today and talked to Mike. Very nice people but I would need to order, they dont have anything that would work.
16 weeks no new props...

The spare set I bought from the East coast showed up... Damaged by Fedex.
Looks as if a forklift went though the box and cut a prop blade. They were shipped insured, now fighting Fedex for payment..

Best of luck. First words from them are likely to be "packaging did not meet our standards."
Best of luck. First words from them are likely to be "packaging did not meet our standards."

Yep, it must be packaged in such a way to prevent large pointed metallic objects from being able to penetrate the box, and peel a solid metal prop open like a can opener!:whistling:
I think you have a pretty good basis for a claim. Heck, even 1/2" plywood would have failed under that situation!
I am sorry to hear of this ongoing challenge, hard to imagine on something as straightforward as a set of props, even if they are an uncommon size. Can you imagine the nightmare of chasing down pod drive parts in the next few years?
We had a similar issue with Fedex And when pictures were sent there was no questions they just sent a check for the amount of insurance that was on the box. You do need to file the claim through the shipper not Fedex direct. As I remember if you didn't buy insurance the maximum that they would pay is $100 USD.
I Sure wish you best luck. 15 yrs ago DHL decimated a very important package coming to me from overseas. Things did not end in my favor.

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