Boarding Door

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Stripper: Have you talked to a navel architect about cutting the cap rail and the section out for the side doors with your paravanes. You have the as builts for your boat which should help the NA. I’d be concerned about the loading which is huge when the paravanes are in the water and working.

The boat is fairly new to us so I haven't talked to a pro yet. The poles are what actually stopped my progress on the project, I realized that my desired location for the gate was pretty close to the attachment point for the poles, which as you mentioned generate considerable force. Not sure how many others actually use their vanes but ours got used quite a bit in my first two weeks of ownership and I see that being a trend for our style of cruising.
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Greg: We have over 12,000 miles with the fish in the water, Alaska to Florida plus. I know from a swivel failure and hitting a few things, including an unlit fishing boat at night that the loading on the hull/system is huge. Somewhere in a previous thread someone posted the loading calculations for paravanes, though not specific to ours but enough information to give you some numbers. Please keep me posted.
Mr. S What a great life for a 6 year old! Rest assured, she will grow but may need help for a while. Perhaps a rope swing or...

A 6 yr old could easily bounce right off the boat. I would call the pogo stick a very dangerous idea.
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