Boat maintenance Puerto Escondido Marina, Mexico

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Veteran Member
Oct 24, 2022
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Hatteras 48' LRC
Good morning,

We are underway for Puerto Escondido marina outside of Loreto, BCS, Mexico.

I was wondering if anyone had a recommendation for a general maintenance person that works out of the marina. I’m looking for someone to wash / wax, bottom cleaning, and do some general maintenance maybe varnish.

In my experience there are quite a few of general boat cleaners and maintainers in the marinas of Mexico. Has anyone had a good experience with someone in particular and be willing to recommend them.

Thank you

We had good results with Carlos Christiani Maintenance, limited to a hull polish/wax and underwater maintenance.

Urial did the polishing/waxing, and the results were great. He was masterful working with the product, shade, and heat to get the results desired.

Good Luck
@IRENE Jeff,

Thank you for the recommendation. I appreciate it. Do they work through the marina, or were they an outside contractor.
They are the prominent maintenance outfit on-site, in the building left of the store. Super easy to find. Ervin and Elizabeth speak English if needed.
Thanks for the question, Brandon; and Jeff for the response. I'm headed there myself this November. I flew down last week just to check things out. Didn't get that deep into the investigation.
Puerto Escondito is one ofthe most expensive places in the SoC ot have maintenance done. they mainly cater to high-end boaters. You would be much better off in San Carlos, Marina Real (not marina San Carlos) to have a boat maintained. I would recommend Manuel Nunez there.
Puerto Escondido is quite isolated. A long ride to Loreto. So lacks the typical boatboy mafia encountered at more urban Mexican marinas. Limits the pool of available labor and probably raises prices but also, perhaps, increases professionalism. It is also among the nicest and best managed of marinas in Mexico, just my opinion. Beautiful location and great hiking. I miss it.
I've never had work done there, but I have stayed there many times. Great moorings, friendly staff, good restaurants, and a great store. The nearby islands are a short ride away. Truly a magical place. That, coming from someone who has been in La Paz for the last 11 years.

Cheers, Bill

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