Boating and Cannabis

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I love chocolate like nothing else in life. But, if you told me I could lose my job, my freedom, or just my boat, for keeping it around, I’d never eat another bite.

Marijuana users, when faced with the same situation, decide they need marijuana so much those risks are worth it. That’s powerful stuff, but, of course, none of them are addicts.
The definitive answer to the question of diminished capacity was provided by Cheech & Chong in 1971. Which is not to say I fully internalized the message. In fact, it seemed even funnier if one was stoned.

"No, man, Dave's not here."
Pot has been legal in Canada now for 5 years. I don't care if someone uses "responsibly". Meaning with the same restrictions (driving, operating machinery etc) as moderate or occasional alcohol use. As has been mentioned, pot usage has far fewer long term health effects as compared to alcohol although NOT risk free, IMO. It can be abused or misused in the same inappropriate fashion as alcohol.

The GOOD thing about Canadian legalization is people caught with a joint will no longer face arrest or have a criminal record. Jail time for a bit of pot? Ludicrous.

That being said I DO have a major problem with the sale of "edibles". Foodstuffs laced with various amounts of THC that a child could very easily think is candy or a cookie leaves the door open for inadvertent intoxication and possibly overdose. A child is very unlikely to roll up a "fattie" or eat leaf marijuana but more likely to eat a "candy" left on a coffee table by an irresponsible parent. The Canadian Government dropped the ball, BIG TIME on that one IMO.
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Our boat and pot? No, nada, nyet. Just isn't going to happen. Just don't bring it on the boat! As ASD stated, it's not worth losing my boat.

Then again, you're not going to smoke tobacco on our boat either. But I don't mind if you bring it along to smoke on shore. Come to think of it, I'd probably let someone smoke cigarettes on board, but only on the fore deck, and only if it's raining like crazy!:D

On testing; My brother worked in construction. He got drug tested regularly. All random, of course. When he questioned the Super about how often he got tested he was told: "You're one of the few we know will pass the test!"

One of the couples we met in Myer's Chuck, Alaska had a magazine on board his boat with an article highlighted saying that while pot was legal in many states, it was still illegal by Federal Law. They kept it to show guests they weren't just making up stuff when he told them no pot was allowed on his boat because it wasn't legal.

When he went into Canada on his way to Alaska, they did a routine search of his boat. Then they tore it apart for 3 hours. They told him later that when they saw that article, with the highlighting, they just KNEW he had pot aboard. :facepalm: The think that I found amazing was that they took the time to open up the magazines and found the article! They didn't find any contraband, because there was nothing to find . . . . . but they sure made a mess of their boat.:nonono:
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When he went into Canada on his way to Alaska, they did a routine search of his boat. Then they tore it apart for 3 hours. They told him later that when they saw that article, with the highlighting, they just KNEW he had pot aboard. :facepalm: The think that I found amazing was that they took the time to open up the magazines and found the article! They didn't find any contraband, because there was nothing to find . . . . . but they sure made a mess of their boat.:nonono:

Duly noted, when going to the customs dock, leave a copy of the N.A. and A.A. big books on the table and perhaps the bible. Is there any rules about trying to "save" the inspectors, maybe they haven't heard the good word yet.:flowers:
It also raises another issue not boating-related. You can be employed in a state where it's illegal and vacation in a state where it's not. If you use cannabis on vacation then come back to work you could test positive for illegal drug use.

Your employer is not subject to the laws of states where you go to get high. Also, drug users/addicts are not a protected class. As one, as a condition of employment you can be discriminated against.
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If you ever have even a fleeting feeling of worry about being tested, better refrain from use.

Any type of mishap, even 100% non related to weed usage, like say a diesel fuel leak could result in a testing in which case things might go badly for you.

Testing is for pro mariners, but anyone can be tested for under the influence.
If driving commercially, you will lose your license in every state. Use of the drug is cause, under influence not required. A non-commercial driver will only have their license impacted if convicted of driving under the influence. Under the influence is very difficult to prove.

Easy to prove with alcohol, 0.08% blood alcohol level in many states now. That may or may not actually impact your driving ability but it's the standard they go by. They don't actually need to prove impairment, operating a vehicle with that alcohol level is a crime in itself. In an accident case the officers will testify to their opinion of the drivers impairment, that could make the difference between simple DWI or manslaughter. Alcohol leaves the body quickly, by the time you're sobered up it's no longer detectible. Much more difficult with pot and most other drugs, detectable amounts remain in the body for a very long time, weeks after the impairment has passed.
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I haven't heard much on actual impaired driving impact or enforcement in Canada. It was a big fear leading up to legalization.

I think in comparison to alcohol cannabis is far safer in terms of immediate danger to self and others.

If someone on my boat has a need to get buzzed I'd prefer they choose cannabis over alcohol. In Canada, of course.
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That being said I DO have a major problem with the sale of "edibles". Foodstuffs laced with various amounts of THC that a child could very easily think is candy or a cookie leaves the door open for inadvertent intoxication and possibly overdose.

Yep. Not to mention luring underage usage.

Edibles aren't new, of course. And overdoses are extremely rare. But still, it's not ok.
I haven't heard much on actual impaired driving impact or enforcement in Canada. It was a big fear leading up to legalization.

I think in comparison to alcohol cannabis is far safer in terms of immediate danger to self and others.

If someone on my boat has a need to get buzzed I'd prefer they choose cannabis over alcohol. In Canada, of course.

I bet cannabis is cheaper than alcohol in Canada....:angel::facepalm:
Neither alcohol or cannabis is safe if abused. Neither is dangerous if used wisely.

Comparing one to another is nothing more than comparing news media reporting we are inundated with(which we all know is perfectly accurate).

Until there are absolutely accurate, and trustworthy stats on both...pretty hard to compare the dangers of either.

If Canada collects stats like the US, don't believe a word of them.

The US was attributing alcohol related accidents if a person in the back seat asleep that had a BAC of .08 or more as an alcohol related accident even if the driver was stone cold sober.

Was in the government safety stats collecting tribe and I don't trust most of those career oriented waste products past common sense.

I did say trustworthy stats.....
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I'm not referencing cause, just overall numbers. There was no spike when we embraced the demon weed, despite non-existent and/or ineffective testing and enforcement.

Probably way off topic. Certainly not trying to pick a fight.
From post 39....

"I think in comparison to alcohol cannabis is far safer in terms of immediate danger to self and others."

that's a hand grenade if I ever saw one...... I truly dislike internet hand grenades.....
Oh I'll argue that forever, and produce reams of evidence if challenged.

I didn't view it as a provocative statement. We're on an international forum.
If Canada collects stats like the US, don't believe a word of them.

The US was attributing alcohol related accidents if a person in the back seat asleep that had a BAC of .08 or more as an alcohol related accident even if the driver was stone cold sober.

Was in the government safety stats collecting tribe and I don't trust most of those career oriented waste products past common sense.

I did say trustworthy stats.....
Perhaps you could share the percentage of cases in which your anecdote occurs.
That statement is an 'internet hand grenade' if I ever read one, on par with the
ones regarding positive Covid case reporting stats.
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Perhaps you could share the percentage of cases in which your anecdote occurs.
That statement is an 'internet hand grenade' if I ever read one, on par with the
ones regarding positive Covid case reporting stats.
Like the COVID stats, the numbers are raw with no way of separating the true stats once in a "system".
Oh I'll argue that forever, and produce reams of evidence if challenged.

I didn't view it as a provocative statement. We're on an international forum.

OK I challenge you....

How can you possibly say one drink is any more dangerous than one joint or edible?

Or 2 or 3?

There are no stats that I have ever seen that could prove that.

And just a lifetime of hanging around mild, conservative drinkers has shown me that a lot of the tokers I know by their very nature aren't too high on my trustworthy list.

That is my general observation that don't prove a thing and I challenge you to show me definitive proof heads are safer than drinkers.
FFS. How many drunks vs stoners visit the ER every year?
How many women get beat up by their pothead partners?

I can go on...
Go ahead...those examples just prove my point.

I was NEVER discussing people who drink to excess like you were not discussing weed users that are habitual stoners.

So your statement is as absurd as your examples, and you will NEVER be able to prove my or your point with stuff like that.

Keep going if you like but I think I made the point of your ludicrous statement.

Funny how may weed users use "drunks" as an example of drinkers. Maybe it's the weed...... :rofl:
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Have you been drinking?
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