Boating Classes....

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Veteran Member
Jul 15, 2017
Vessel Name
Old Spice
Vessel Make
1982 Monk
Any recommendations for a captain for hire for a couple days or an official boating class in the Jacksonville, FL area. My wife and I just bought our first trawler!

I shared about that in another post with lot of pics.

We've been around boats most of our lives. Just never run anything bigger than 30' center consoles. We understand tides, wind, current, anchoring etc.

We'd love to get some formal training on docking a boat this size, choosing a good anchorage and would love to improve on our existing understanding of reading charts and navigating.

We're set to drive south from Western NC and board our new boat for the summer in early June. We'll spend the summer living and cruising on the boat with our 4 kids and our dog Sunny. The attached pic is of me and the kids sitting on the flybridge one night after supper while we were down for sea trial etc.

We're pretty fired up for the adventure.... Just want to get started right.

We changed the boat name from Old Spice to Summer School.


Many thanks!


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I think Ralph Crapps of Marine Solutions and Associates could probably help you considerably. Captaining isn't his normal day to day but he's very capable and very knowledgeable. If you're interested and need contact information, I can get it for you.
Also google Capt'n Chris Yachting Service. He and his wife provide this exact service:thumb:
Good luck with your new boat and new adventures.
Congrats and good luck.
Take a look at US Sail & Power Squadrons.
They offer a variety of courses and some include an on the water component.
Also google Capt'n Chris Yachting Service. He and his wife provide this exact service:thumb:

Yes, and excellent reputation. A little over 200 miles from Jacksonville, but I'm sure they'd be glad to make the drive if they didn't have a class scheduled forcing them to be at home.
I emailed and spoke with Captain Chris. We're working out the details.

Thanks for the info guys!
Captain Chris is a good dude, we met him at a few shows...very cute kids BTW..
Not a bad idea. Found it unnecessary in my case, however. Just read/studied a lot (including how to sail) and just went boating practicing/testing the theory (during the 1960s). Thankfully, it all turned out well (no harm, no foul). But then, my mind was much sharper in the teenage years.

Did take a basic Power Squadron course in 2012 to refresh memory and get a better insurance rate. Scored "perfect."
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Any recommendations for a captain for hire for a couple days or an official boating class in the Jacksonville, FL area. My wife and I just bought our first trawler!

I shared about that in another post with lot of pics.

We've been around boats most of our lives. Just never run anything bigger than 30' center consoles. We understand tides, wind, current, anchoring etc.

We'd love to get some formal training on docking a boat this size, choosing a good anchorage and would love to improve on our existing understanding of reading charts and navigating.

We're set to drive south from Western NC and board our new boat for the summer in early June. We'll spend the summer living and cruising on the boat with our 4 kids and our dog Sunny. The attached pic is of me and the kids sitting on the flybridge one night after supper while we were down for sea trial etc.

We're pretty fired up for the adventure.... Just want to get started right.

We changed the boat name from Old Spice to Summer School.


Many thanks!

Sounds like you guys are going to have fun!!

Capt Chris is very good so is JR Bott they both are very good keep us up to date on your adventures
That's what we did with our Catalina 22 about 15 years ago. Worst thing that happened was on the maiden voyage I smashed the prop into the dock right after untying the lines. Got about 200 feet out in the water and felt the wobble, turned around and came back. Pulled the prop and went to the prop shop. The rest of that summer was uneventful in terms of any carnage.

Thanks. Will do. I'll post pics and stories on here for sure. I'm sure an occasional question or two. LOL.

Sounds like you are set.

For others in the future have a look at Sea Sense. Run by couple of women who will either use their boat or yours. They will make you and your missus more comfortable with the boat - including the ER and other systems.
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