Boatshed curtains

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Jul 5, 2016
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Monk 36
I am fortunate to keep my trawler in a boatshed. It has a curtain that must be closed at all times(except when moving the boat in and out). This is to keep the birds out so it makes sense. The problem is closing it after leaving and opening it upon return. I would like to install an opener that works on a remote, much like a garage door opener. Have any of you bright owners come up with a solution? If so let me know what you did and the cost. It think there are lots of boaters on this site that have ideas on this topic, either the “wanna be-s” like me, or the “I did it and here’s how or the “I saw it done this way”. Any help is much appreciated.

Just a Maguiver engineer thinking out loud as I havent done anything like this!
If a canvas, sunbrella or mesh curtain could be rigged up to a rotating "rod" on the lower edge you might suspend it with cables that get wrapped up on an ATV winch up top. I know they sell wireless remotes for ATV winches that could let you do it from the boat without having to disembark to press buttons.
Harbor Freight has winches.
Another option could be a roll up garage door if a correct size one could be found. Again I'm sure wireless remote & relays could be rigged up to operate.
The “curtain” is made of fish netting so it weighs practically nothing. I am an impatient guy so did some research today. Well I asked Google what she thought. I was led to METechs and found an electric curtain rod that just might work. I found a 20’ length that can carry up to 100 lb of weight and can pull the curtain left or right. It also has a remote and the ability to run off your cell phone. Sounds too good to be true but I just might order one and see if it works.

Thx for thinking and responding. Stay tuned!
How does everyone else in the marina address this issue?
a section of stainless cable hooked end to end to make a circle. Add a small gear motor at one end and a pulley at the other end. Fasten half the curtain to the middle of one side of the cable, and the other half to the other side of the loop. Turn the gear motor one way and it will close the curtains, the opposite direction will open the curtains. A couple of microswitches to control the limits of travel would make it automatic. The taut cable would be the curtain rod with one side of the curtain secured to the wall, and the traveling end hooked to the cable with a cable clamp.
When we kept our boat in Ladysmith, the boathouses there have curtains supplied by Clear Marine (I think they are in Sidney) that operate with a remote control. Works exactly like your garage door. The curtain rolls up on a roller across the top of the door. If you are down that way stop in at the Ladysmith Marina you might be able to get them to let you have a look. They worked beautifully.
When we kept our boat in Ladysmith, the boathouses there have curtains supplied by Clear Marine (I think they are in Sidney) that operate with a remote control. Works exactly like your garage door. The curtain rolls up on a roller across the top of the door. If you are down that way stop in at the Ladysmith Marina you might be able to get them to let you have a look. They worked beautifully.

I have seen those curtains, not that you mention it. But I already have a curtain and need to figure out how to open it and close it with a motor. The motorized curtain rod is on its way from Florida, so when it arrives I will install it and report. I expect it will take 3 weeks to get here in these covid times.
I just completed the install of the 20’ remote controlled
electric powered curtain rod. It works! It arrived from Florida in only 8 days, was fairly easy to assemble and install, notwithstanding I was up on 3 stages of scaffolding on top of a fairly stable float in my boathouse. It is designed to move curtains in homes and showrooms. My curtain is made of fish netting and is quite light so it works, but if you have a heavier curtain made out of canvas or tarp-like material this puller may not have enough power. But a 2nd motor can be installed so it might work. I bought it from METECH. They were great to deal with and provided much info.

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