Boatus Beaufort, N.C. WARNING Be very careful if you go aground and call these people.

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May 26, 2020
I ran aground on a sand bank with my Trawler. Called boat us. I am 80 yrs. Old and was pretty shook up. The boat operator convinced me that I was in a salvage situation because he would have to dig a hole under the boat to get it off. I went with his assessment expecting at least a couple of hours of work. 10 minuets of prop wash digging at a moderate throttle tied off to my boat and MAGIC it floated and only cost $ 6178 .
Interesting, I have sign and glide towing insurance and as long as my boat is not holed and there is water on all sides it is considered a soft grounding and a coverable event. Hope I never need to use it.

Was waiting for the tide not an option? Genuinely just curious because I am always trying to learn so I can be prepared.
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