Bore Scope/borscope

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Oct 7, 2012
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36 Albin Aft Cabin
Either way you spell it, what a neat invention/tool. Mine just arrived from Amazon (Telsa) it was about $160. It comes fully charged with a neat carrying case (which is hard to get the flexible camera line back in to) a sixteen foot probe and a couple attachments for the camera end. About a six inch screen, very clear.

I am going to order the three foot camera line. Sixteen feet is too cumbersome to deal with.

It is a wonderful tool. I can immediately think of hundreds of uses on the boat. Looking behind walls, under engines..etc. There is a little hook which fits on the camera end and a magnet. The picture self focuses, is clear and bright. There is a light on the camera. The camera is water/fuel proof.( for short times)

It was a great help to me in getting the driveshaft on my 1957 Evinrude 15 into place following a water pump change.

Enough said. Just go buy one.

Needless to say, I am not a paid endorser.

Enough said. Just go buy one.


Agreed! I got one a few years ago, and used it extensively when I replaced all my sanitation hoses. It helped me figure out where to put access ports, and where not to! Mine is a bit cheaper and pairs via bluetooth to my phone, the app is a bit funky, but it works!
And get one with remote-adjustable camera aiming. Otherwise....they are ALWAYS pointing in the wrong direction!
Love mine, once you have one you realize how many places you can finally inspect that you never could before. Like plittle2005 says, you've got to be able change camera direction, mine flips 180 degrees and can record photos/video.
I have an old inspection camera that has about a 3’ long camera. I use it a lot but a much longer camera does help in some cases. My neighbor has a 50’ one that we used to scope the old 1.5” discharge hose on our old head. I was going to run the new 1” hose through the old 1.5” hose to save destroying the galley cabinets. We scoped the hoses after I used OC Divers method of cleaning the holding tank. The hoses looked pretty clean so we lubed up the new hose and pulled it through the old hose. The new hose was 36’ and we ran it in 57 minutes. Wonderful.
Several less expensive options are available that will run on your PC through a USB port.

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