Bottom paint

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Veteran Member
Jan 5, 2013
Vessel Name
Kelly Anne
Vessel Make
Custom 44' Bruce Roberts
Getting quotes for bottom painting 44'' steel hull, pretty good condition - running about $100 p/foot includes haul out, power wash, sand sweeping and two coats cole tar epoxy & two coats Pettit Trinidad. First timer, does this seem like a good price? Appreciate any advice .
First timer, does this seem like a good price? Appreciate any advice .
It sounds Damn expensive to me but then I only have a 32 foot fiberglass boat so I don't really know.

I had mine hauled a month ago and the price was $1,380.00. (Hauled, power washed, 2 coats and splashed. Time... 2 days.
Thanks - labor at 20 hours - 8 gallons tar epoxy and 7 gallons Pettit paint, seems like an awful lot paint? It's a steel boat and requires sand blasting as well
It sounds Damn expensive to me but then I only have a 32 foot fiberglass boat so I don't really know. I had mine hauled a month ago and the price was $1,380.00. (Hauled, power washed, 2 coats and splashed. Time... 2 days.

$1,380 divided by 32' divided by two coats is about $21.50 per coat per foot

Temple was quoted $100/foot for four coats or $25 per coat per foot.

Doesn't sound that expensive to me or am I missing something? :confused:
Doesn't sound that expensive to me or am I missing something? :confused:
Like I said..."sounds damn expensive to me" but if cole tar epoxy runs as much as Pettit Trinidad then the sand blasting must be quite a few bucks. I also said "I don't really know."

Apparently, Marin does know and it would sure be nice if he would share his wisdom with the rest of us. :blush:
I did not quite understand the question. I own a steel boat. If they are sandblasting the entire bottom and coating it in epoxy then bottom paint then that seems reasonable. However make sure they follow the instructions on the epoxy to the letter.

If this is a spot treatment then it is hard to say. Most importantly make sure the yard has experience with steel.
It's a 44' semi-displacement steel hull - two coats tar epoxy & two coats Pettit Trinidad. The sandblast is $1,000 - it's the damn paint that's almost $2,600 !! 8
gallons tar and 7 Trinidad ?
yes...sounds like a very good price...just sand blasting with no paint is running $40-60/foot in New Jersey...
The sandblast is $1,000 - it's the damn paint that's almost $2,600 !!
As my dad use to say: "New information...different decision!"

I agree! Not a bad price! :blush:
As the former owner of two steel boats and after investigating the proper bottom painting for both a 42' semi displacement and a 44' full displacement it's not that bad a deal. It's not like you have to do that everytime you do a haul out for bottom paint.Larry
Hey Walt, if my previous post came across in the wrong manner I'm sorry. :flowers:

It was not my intention, just doing math in my head. Often times what's rattling around in my pea brain gets lost passing through my fingers on its way to the keyboard :blush:
Hey Walt, if my previous post came across in the wrong manner I'm sorry.
You should be! I thought I was your friend and beyond reproach. Well, I know better now. :nonono:
It is, IMHO, a decent price. Have done Steel and Al. hulls. Your in the ball park. As stated earlier, be sure they know what they are doing, especially with the primer. Follow the instructions to the letter.

In reference to the primer, are you referring to the tar-epoxy?


My boat is at Luperon and I must paint the bottom.
Must I Epoxi first ou can I paint directly with antifouling?
The total here is $3.200 all includeand my boat has 55'.
If you are using copper anti-foul, you must have a barrier between it and the steel. If the barrier has not been damaged, you can just re coat with anti-foul.

Or use non-copper anti-foul.
My boat has a fiber hull and ofcourse anti-fouling. Must I still use epoxi?
The only reason to epoxy coat a fiberglass hull is to prevent osmosis problems after drying.

If that is not a problem, ie. you don't have blister repair going on, then you do not need to epoxy and can simply put on the antifouling.

The question about epoxy barrier coats in this thread is simply to do with metal hulls, not fiberlgass hulls.
IF the price includes sand blasting the hull to :Water White: spec and then coating its an OK price.

Sloping cold tar epoxy over old bottom paint or rust wont work for long.

The yard has to time it just right to get to get the bottom paint to attach to the almost hard epoxy.

Many will use a coat of oil based paint between the epoxy and bottom paint , a contrasting color that allows easy repaint when the bottom paint wears out.
Thank you. I have very few and small blisters, I think that I don't need to epoxi.
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