In our modern days of 3D printing I found out that it s possible to 3d print using a alloy of metal and resin, and when I say metal I mean stainless steel or titane. This may be a good option knowing that now there is some application that allow to create a 3d model from a simple cell phone camera.
Some matter for thought )
Your clear but my simple noncomputer literate brain can't comprehend how it can do that.
Hi Lou
That I do understand as you can get all around my best ever anchor but to do a bow plate you only have two dimensions. How does it determine the bend to fit the bow?
Inquiring minds.
New things impress my old brain but I will believe it when I see it.
I do understand that (a good friend has a number of these printers and they are amazing, but as even stated in the Utube video the camera must see the object from ALL sides.
We shall see.