Bug out Boat

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Get in my submarine and head for Australia...no wait:facepalm: that doesn't work either.
Nup, no new subs until 2040. I just know our enemies will hold off until then.
PS. Neville Shute`s post apocalypse novel,as the movie "On the Beach",was filmed in Melbourne. Ava Gardner starring, said she couldn`t think of a better place to make a movie about the end of the world. (Sydney/Melbourne rivalry lives on)
Nup, no new subs until 2040. I just know our enemies will hold off until then.

If we were to accept that we are essentially part of South East Asia, they are our neighbours after all, and the world and its people are one, who are our enemies? ;)

In the words of the great Kamahl.......

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If we were to accept that we are essentially part of South East Asia, they are our neighbours after all, and the world and its people are one, who are our enemies? ;)

In the words of the great Kamahl.......

Wifey B: We are our own worst enemies. :D

As to bug out boating, I don't like bugs so opposed. :rofl:
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