Burgee poll results

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Nov 6, 2016
United States
Vessel Name
Black Eyed Susan
Vessel Make
Grand Banks 42' Classic
Here are the burgee poll, Crusty Survey, and Write-In results:

1. What you are about to see is the most flawed use of "poll" results in the history of polling. You could write a book on "Flawed Logic" using this as your only source document. Please do not take my head off for it. Trying to keep everyone happy here although I am 63 years old and have never once successfully pulled that off!

2. The votes were looked at in every way I could think possible. Pure poll votes. Adding in Crusty's survey. Adding in the "Write-In votes to make sure those people are heard from even though they may have figured out how to vote in the actual poll and voted twice, assigning 12-1 point values to each flag depending on where they placed in each vote count, flag with the most points gets a 12, next one 11, next one..10...ties get the same number. I even added them ALL up to get "Total Votes AND Points" which is about as bizarre a polling methodology as there could possible be because it makes no sense whatsoever.

3. The bottom line on all of this is that no matter which way I slice it the same top 6 show up. Oh sure, there could be an argument for good old Flag #5 but if you look at the votes/points in each separate outcome it doesn't belong in the top group. At least to me.

4. The spreadsheet data is below. It is sorted by "Total Votes and Points" which is in the colored column (do ya see what I did there? :) ). It's also the most flawed way to view the data but again, twist it turn it, I come up with the same basic conclusion.

5. For those of you that are as freaky as I am I will email you the actual spreadsheet so you can play with the numbers yourself. Just PM me. Apparently the forum will not let me attached an XLSX spreadsheet file.

My conclusion, if this were my process which it isn't, would be to take Flags 6, 7, 4, 12, 9, 10 and add in the one I forgot which is Flag #2 in Crusty's survey (gotta represent Flag #2 lovers) and put them all in a Semi Final Poll. Get down to 2 and vote again. That way we can make this an even longer process. :dance::popcorn:


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But the weather has sucked here and this kept me entertained!!!
If you really want to make this a winter project and drive everyone crazy then drop the ONE with the lowest score/vote/points and do it all over again. We can do this for the next 3 months. Now wouldn't THAT be awesome? :)

We need a poll to define what poll methodology should be used.
There's another way...

Lots of people who are on TF would like something different about the forum.

But the guy(s) who started and bought it get to make the final decisions.

So let the originator if the burgee idea pick the burgee and for all those that disagree...go look in the mirror and wonder why you didn't post it first. :)
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There's another way...

Lots of people who are on TF would like something different about the forum.

But the guy(s) who started and bought it get to make the final decisions.

So let the originator if the burger idea pick the burgee and for all those that disagree...go look in the mirror and wonder why you didn't post it first. :)

A fine idea ps! At this point I am open to any and all solutions! I have another question, someone somewhere owns this place and, I assume, the logo. Um, is it ok to even do this??? Do we need some "Express written permission...etc."??
Being that I have spent my entire life being ignored by all politicians looking for a vote, I think that way too many people on this boat forum are spending way too many times inside attempting to please everyone here. The one or ones planning on having these flags made should gather in a quorum of sorts and decide what they think is the best.

Then present it to the group and see how many folks put their money where their keyboards are. ;) This project may end up being a bust if you think you are going to get a genuine and targeted answer.

At least that is what I would do anyway, even though like I said no one looking for my vote has ever ask what I think or which is the best way to spend not their money but MY money. Is that a good enough opinion to help you move foward?:thumb:
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But the weather has sucked here and this kept me entertained!!!

Oh wow SUNSHINE!!!! Do you see it Crusty? It a miracle....

Make me up a BOD flag.....

This is more complicated than trying to figure out ......wait a minute! The RUSSIANS have influenced the poll!!!!! It's been rigged. We need a special council to find out how this could happened on TF!!!:banghead::facepalm:
Being that I have spent my entire life being ignored by all politicians looking for a vote, I think that way too many people on this boat forum are spending way too many times inside attempting to please everyone here. The one or ones planning on having these flags made should gather in a quorum of sorts and decide what they think is the best.

Then present it to the group and see how many folks put their money where their keyboards are. ;) This project may end up being a bust if you think you are going to get a genuine and targeted answer.

At least that is what I would do anyway, even though like I said no one looking for my vote has ever ask what I think or which is the best way to spend not their money but MY money. Is that a good enough opinion to help you move foward?:thumb:

WAY too logical to make it around here. :)

Kidding aside, isn't that what's sorta kinda going on in an extremely convoluted way? Compared to total membership there is a small group deciding what is "best" ("best" being a really poor word for this). At some point, one way or another, we will have a choice good bad or ugly. Then that is presented to everyone and go from there?

Of course another way of looking at it is that anyone with even a mild interest in a burgee is in this thread. Most likely the rest of the membership isn't going to buy one anyway. I don't know. No matter what it has given, me at least, a little fun.
Oh wow SUNSHINE!!!! Do you see it Crusty? It a miracle....

Make me up a BOD flag.....

The BOD flag is on the list of things to do! If your bored, you can start the process.

The sunshine has the girls out for a walk right now, wont last long. I’m gonna try and get a few things done while the sun is out.
......wait a minute! The RUSSIANS have influenced the poll!!!!! It's been rigged. We need a special council to find out how this could happened on TF!!!:banghead::facepalm:

Curses. Foiled again.


Comrade Firstbase


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We have to start this over again. My wife said the colors don't match with the curtains.
We have to start this over again. My wife said the colors don't match with the curtains.

I'll bet it would be less painful to change the curtains!
Lets just cut to the chase - #6 won hands down, no matter how you slice it! Please order one for me:thumb:
At the risk of getting kicked off the forum...a few of you have been emailing/PM'ing me mentioning privately that this whole thing has taken off and would prefer, in order to do it correctly, we go backwards a step. Start off with picking one of the logos. Then after selecting a logo place it on a burgee. Anyone violently disagree? Or just keep on going from where we are. Just throwing it out there.

psneeld is laughing his butt off right now.
I am sure glad this is not a company trying to make some money..... :rofl:

Most entertaining though. Ready to order whatever it looks like. :thumb:
Yep laughing my butt off....

I say a blank white burgee wit just a TF in the middle.

Then we can sharpie in whatever each of us wants.

We would all know it was a TF burgee so that condition is met, no logo infringement, easy/inexpensive to make, no hard feelings...what could go wrong? :)
Way too much of way too much going on here!!!

I've previously posted my choice(s) [regarding other persons' burgee-flag design entries and I've taken/answered the poll. Not sure if it actually pertains to this or another thread regarding choosing a TF burgee.

Bottom line: If I like it once manufactured I'll purchase one... if not I won't. Pretty much that goes without saying for most on TF.
The poll to approve Sharpie colors?

Like the NAVRULES....some things just have to be left up to captains discretion.

Exactly Art.... Not everyone will like or approve of the final product...unless it's their shspie design... :)
Well if you don't pick the one I voted for, I'm just going to make my own the way I want it. :rolleyes: Hell, might do that just to be different.

At the risk of getting kicked off the forum...a few of you have been emailing/PM'ing me mentioning privately that this whole thing has taken off and would prefer, in order to do it correctly, we go backwards a step. Start off with picking one of the logos. Then after selecting a logo place it on a burgee. Anyone violently disagree? Or just keep on going from where we are. Just throwing it out there.

psneeld is laughing his butt off right now.

So I am one of the folks in agreement with the approach firstbase threw out there.

The way I looked at the polling is (Total Votes / Total Points)
  • Agree #6 (55 / 90) seems to be a leader but it is the only one w/ this logo
  • #1,5,7,10&11 (80 / 90) are essentially the same logo w/ different colors & borders and when you ad them up in some columns it is equal of more than #6
  • Then 9&12 (47 / 103) again are the same logo w/ different colors / borders etc and #'s seem to put it in the running

Winner not as clear as it might seem at first glance :facepalm:

I'd volunteer to work w/ a small group (2-3) to lead this effort if we want to give it a redo w/some direction & leadership...

I've already started the investigation re: whether the TF logo (#9 & 12) is copyrighted and/or can we get permission to use it. Lets assume it's doable until I find out otherwise from TF owners or a burgee mfg tells us it's not practical.

Step 1. Get some preliminary feedback from existing logo concepts re feasibility and budget cost est.

Step 2. Poll single entries of just the logo concepts - (either just the top ones from previous or add in the missing ones - I'm OK either way) with approx costs even if they are ball park $ based on method of mfg & 1 vs 2 sided.

Step 3. Leadership group chooses the logo based on results

Step 4. Poll 1-3 color choices for the chosen logo, background, border.

Anyone else willing to step up to help lead?

Anyone else think it's worth starting over or...

is someone willing to just declare and take over working w/ manufacturer to make it happen?
Don, the pic and logo art were the product of TFer's contributions of photo and design talent.

I can't speak for Andy R but I don't really think Andy would have ANY problem with using the TF logo in appropriate TF Gear. He was a strong supporter and buyer of the nice shirts made a few years ago...although he might have a problem if someone wanted to emblazon the logo on their favorite anchor.

:hide: :nonono: :whistling:
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