I had some spare time to help gather info, now my plate is pretty full getting the boat ready for winter and last few projects before we return to home in a few weeks.
At this point, I’m in agreement with the majority of you on the basics of a burgee. It might get a bit pricey for mirror image on both sides, embroidering, ink work, multiple colors....you get the point.
A quick view of a few sites on price range and $40-$100 (or more) seems the norm for one off flags. Quantity orders,and the price comes down somewhat.
Price isn’t a concern to me, but many others may not be willing to part with the cash for a burgee. Still a bunch cheaper than any “Yacht Club Burgee”.
Then do we buy direct or does one of us have to order, handle the shipping, collect funds...you get the drift.
I just cant commit to the time to “manage” or even be an assistant. Sorry but the boat and life has to get ready for this next voyage.
So I’m still onboard to buy one anyway, what ever “WE” decide, and Don, you have my vote to become the “Turtle Herder”!