Had a great weekend in Mildred's Island. Headed out with best friend Gene on Sat AM. PGirl texted us that she and PGuy were heading out and could make it, and as Gene and I were joining up near Riverboat Marina, PG fell in line and we had us a convoy!
Just as we set the hook, we were pleasantly surprised by the by a 4-ship fly-by of
Patriots Jet Team conducting a practice show. They are based in nearby Byron and we were anchored within their practice box. It was a great show that I tried to pass off to the Admiral as something I had pre-arranged. She didn't buy it.
The wind was howling at 20 kts or better throughout Saturday, so that put the brakes on planned watersports, but we still found ways to have fun. It started with Gene dropping anchor a bit close, then having to start up engines to relocate. Only problem was his batteries were killed by a boat detailer 3 weeks ago (long story...) and he only discovered it on Friday. Hoping he had charged them enough for the weekend, he soon found he had dead starts and house banks. Even the genset was not much help. So it's off to Costco via Malibu ski boat and brother-in-law's car for a set of Group 31 starts and 4 GC house batts. Three hrs later, all was well.
Sunday we woke up to the sounds of a Lake Amphibian seaplane practicing takeoffs and landings near us on Mildred Island.
It was great to spend some time with Matt and Jennifer on the water. My trial of my cheap refrigerator connected to my cheap inverter went without a hitch. The beer and food stayed cold and the battery loads were well within limits for our house bank, so we're a go for July 4th week!!
Good friends, good food and good drink. Can't wait to do it again next week!!