But I do resent un-infected travel restrictions within my country.
Since there is only limited testing in the US, and since there is asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic transmission of COVID-19, I don't see how it would be practical - or even possible - to allow for "un-infected" people to travel any differently than anyone else.
1) People who are contagious often will have no idea, because they may be pre-symptomatic (or possibly asymptomatic).
2) We are only testing a small percentage of the population (and even for those people, they could get infected an hour after they took the test).
So it's not that "un-infected" people should be restricted; it's more that there is no way to know who those people ARE from one moment to the next. It's only made worse by lax contact tracing.
Do I resent the virus itself? You bet I do. Stupid virus.
Do I resent the lack of testing and contact tracing? Yes, when I see other countries doing so much better and yet we (US) are an "advanced" country.
But I can't resent no-one making special exceptions for "un-infected" people given that we don't have a way of knowing who they are.