Cat 3208 n.a. coolant leak

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I brought this back because Motion 30 asked about removing the injectors from a 3208.

The procedure isn't hard the biggest issue is you need to remove the rack.

The valve covers are first then disconnecting the pipe loom.

The injector adapters (Pic 106. It is where the pipe loom from the fuel pump connects to the injectors they screw through the head) come out and then the rocker arms. That is just two bolts and a couple of aluminum clamps ( Check these for cracks One of mine broke.)

That gives access to the injectors. Remove the injector clamps. then the injectors they are pressed in so a Lady's foot ( a tiny crow bar) is used to lever the injectors out.

It may sound complicated but it isn't really. It only requires a couple of wrenches.
Take pictures as you go.

Thank you this gives me a better understanding of what I need to do
Remember you must re adjust the valves after assembly.
Cat Temp Regulators - 3208

Hey guys - the Cat manual suggests swapping out the temp regulators on a periodic basis. I did it and found out I'm not the smartest, strongest (that exchanger is heavy) or most experienced DIY guy around. Since I replaced the regulators, my engine temp is great, but my oil temp is running hot. I'm thinking maybe I've got one of the regulators in backwards? Is there a difference in the regulators, are they both inserted in the same orientation?(see picture) Do the oil cooler lines often get crudded up? What do you Cat guys do for oil cooler maintenance? Thanks for the help!

Did the engine (not transmission) oil temperature read higher after you swapped out stuff? Bad install or gauge maybe but verify by reading bottom 1/3 or so of pan when engine operating (after 20 to 30 minutes) at cruise with an IR gun.
One of the problem is the oisters that's grows in the pipes, increasing the pressure and the temperature.
Despite you use or not the engine, the salt water has calcium that makes solids inside the pipes

Sergio "Alemao" Sztancsa, Sent from my iPhone using Trawler
I saw that one of the 8 bolts for my manifold is missing because has no more thread.
The space to work is very tight and we must take of the head to work as well.
Can the manifold use just 7 bolts with a new metal gasket?
Mr. Alemao. If you're going to replace the gasket, the manifold has to come off anyway. In spite of the fact that the space is very tight, it is probably best to make every effort to repair the threads. I don't quite understand what or where this manifold is but could you use one of these things?
Helicoil | Helicoil Insert | Helicoil Inserts | Helicoil kit | Helicoil Thread Repair Kits | Heli-Coil | Helicoil India | Wire Thread Insert | Helicoil Manufacturers | Helicoil Suppler I've used these. Seemed OK.
Full-Torque, Permanent Thread Replacement Never used these but they look interesting.
Hi RT, Thank you for your fast repply. My manifold was CO2 leaking and I ask a mechanic to change. Iknow the space is 4" to work and he said that has to take of the head. I know thats is expansive and delay to much.
I have to start my cruiso to Brazil next 21.
I'll call him to try the helicoil.
My manifold was CO2 leaking ...
I'll call him to try the helicoil.

If there is enough room to remove the bolt there should be enough room to insert a helicoil.

CO2 leak? Do you have one of these in your boat?


  • CO2 MOTOR.jpg
    CO2 MOTOR.jpg
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If there is enough room to remove the bolt there should be enough room to insert a helicoil.

CO2 leak? Do you have one of these in your boat?

But to insert the helicloil, must he drill first?

Sergio "Alemao" Sztancsa, Sent from my iPhone using Trawler
The problem is that we have just 4" to work. The port tank is too close the engine.

Says 2 5/8" head height. That theoretically gives you 1 3/8" drill length to work with. It's probably best if you replace that bolt. Can you run a tap into the stripped hole to give you SOME grip by using a slightly larger bolt? I'm out of suggestions.

O spoke to the mechanic and he said that the bolt broke inside the block (head) . Question: Can I use just 7 bolts and navigate safe? I'll cruise almost in idle and twice a day, full power for 30 seconds to clean the engines.

Sergio "Alemao" Sztancsa, Sent from my iPhone using Trawler
Mr. Alemao. "Can I use just 7 bolts and navigate safe?" That's a really tough question to which I have no answer. The only thing I can say is the manifold was designed to be used with 8 bolts. Any other comment would be idle speculation. If it were me, I would do everything possible to have all 8 bolts in place. If that meant taking off the head and losing a lot of time, so be it. The WORST thing you can ever have on a boat is a schedule for traveling.
My Port 3208 Cat manifold has just 7 bolts. Can I cruise with just 7 bolts? I intend to cruise almost in idle, but we have to cruise almost 6,000miles
Can you get a drill to where the bolt is broken off?
If so you need to drill and use an easy out to remove the old broken bolt.
First centerpunch the broken bolt. Then drill into it with a smaller diameter drill bit. using an easyout

Then replace the bolt.

If you try to run with 7 bolts you can have an exhaust leak that could collaps the air filter as it gets cloged with exhaust soot from the leak.

Can you remove the manifold?
With it off perhaps there will be room to drill the old bolt for the easy out. Perhaps get a vice gripp on the end of the broken bolt. Or even to drill and tap for a new bigger bolt.

My Port 3208 Cat manifold has just 7 bolts. Can I cruise with just 7 bolts? I intend to cruise almost in idle, but we have to cruise almost 6,000miles

I would not leave the dock with a head bolt broken, on any engine. 6,000 miles and you are asking for trouble. I would hire a mechanic to correct it as soon as possible if it is a job you are not confident in being able to do yourself.
The question is what is the downside to a leaking exhaust manifold?

Just a bit of exhaust or a water leak would be handeled by the blower or bilge pump.

The use of extreme power (not contemplated as you don't carry the fuel) might crack the manifold.

Your local NAPA will have muffler cement , might be worth the few bucks for a supply.

If you wait for a perfect boat and a perfect time , it could be decades.
The problem is that I'm at Rio, going to Fort Lauderdale just next 17 and intending to start our cruise on 21.
The mechanic said that dont have room to work as well and maybe need to get out the head.
I know that my mechanic here in Brazil extract the bolt and replace it.
I think that I can cruise with just 7 bolts, the new manifold is strong enough to hold there with just 7 bolts.
The engine just work about 700 hours and than I'll fix replacing the bolt
I would not leave the dock with a head bolt broken, on any engine.

OP: "I saw that one of the 8 bolts for my manifold is missing..."

That isn't a head bolt.

But, for what it's worth, since the manifold was reported to be leaking already, continued use will blow out the gasket and longer use will erode the mating surfaces so that a replacement gasket will fail very shortly afterward.

No amount of magic sauce will seal this leak or eliminate the need to repair the problem correctly before putting another thousand or so hours on the engine.
You need to fix that before your trip or you are just asking for trouble.
If you can't get the bolt out, use one of the fix's suggested by RT, or myself. Or to drill and tap the bolt.

The head weigh about 120 lbs.

Replace the head.

I would not want to take a trip as you are intending with a broken manifold bolt.

With the head off the exhaust gasket surfaces can be trued , as can the exhaust manifold .

No big deal,
My mechanic gave us 98% ( I don't know how he calculated) as garantee that the engine will run OK for few years with 7 of the 8 bolts in the manifold. Now we have a new manifold, new gasket and 7 new bolts.
I intend to use for just 2 months and than, take the broken bolt out and put a new one here in Brazil.
I have in my crew, 7 persons that already bought tickets for just go to the States and that already helped to me with the expenses. I must start this trip.
already helped to me with the expenses

DO NOT tell this to anyone as the USCG considers this to be a charter.

With over 6 people an uninspected vessel and perhaps no captains license , this could be big trouble.

They are just friends along for the trip, no money changed hands.
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