Capt. Jon
You should be able to go on line and mail order sample kits. It really does not matter who you get them from (IMO). Usually they come with their own mailer envelope and the results will be sent via email.
If you put 110 hours on the engine since purchase and it suddenly starts knocking on startup sounds a little strange. Just checking but your sure you did not hear this noise at anytime before? Not even lightly?
What makes me think it's not the lower end is that you have not mentioned any change in oil pressure at all. I would think if it was a rod bearing you would at least see some change in oil pressure.
Also when it comes to a rebuild if needed, you can spend as much or a little as you want to. I have seen plenty of engines that were only repaired and are still running today without a major overhaul. If you do find that your required go that route of repair then you may have to do it yourself. Most shops will not touch that because of liability of work.
If you put 110 hours on the engine since purchase and it suddenly starts knocking on startup sounds a little strange. Just checking but your sure you did not hear this noise at anytime before? Not even lightly?
What makes me think it's not the lower end is that you have not mentioned any change in oil pressure at all. I would think if it was a rod bearing you would at least see some change in oil pressure.
Also when it comes to a rebuild if needed, you can spend as much or a little as you want to. I have seen plenty of engines that were only repaired and are still running today without a major overhaul. If you do find that your required go that route of repair then you may have to do it yourself. Most shops will not touch that because of liability of work.