Cat 3208

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Nov 18, 2023
Hello everyone. I've got a 3208 on a 43 Searay I've just bought I'm having problems with the starboard motor from what I've been told the guy I bought it from ran it on a sand bar then had it towed to drydocj were all heat exchangers were removed along with oil cooler and so on .I've got the one motor back together and it is running great but the other I can only get the motor to turn over 3/4 revaluation then stops same place every time .oil is good no metal and no water please help i know just enough about diesel engines to screw something up lol
Pull the injectors to make sure its not waterlocked etc.
That was gonna be my next move the only thing I wondered is it sat for a year out of the water if water was in piston wouldn't it of run down to oil pan and out of cylinder by now .going to boat tomorrow to start pulling injectors .ty
Doesn’t sound good. Bar the engine over by hand. Probably too late for that. Better yet call in a Cat mechanic for an assessment.
If the starter motor can’t push it past 3/4 you won’t be able to do it by hand. As already mentioned, pull injectors and see if she will rotate.
If pulling all of the injectors doesn't allow you to rotate the engine you are looking at a full teardown. If you are not experienced enough to do that then find a shop that will do a rebuilt engine swap.
I really appreciate everyone's help im working on pulling injectors now hope finish it tomorrow. If that doesn't work I figured I'd pull oil pan so I can look up to see if there is a broken piston rod .then I'll just have to get a rebuilt not looking forward to any of that money and labor ?
If I am thinking correctly the 3208 doesn’t have cylinder liners. If you have to rebuild most likely it will have to come out of the boat. Do you have access to get it out? You might join That site has a wealth of info and I think it costs about $25 per year.
If I am thinking correctly the 3208 doesn’t have cylinder liners. If you have to rebuild most likely it will have to come out of the boat. Do you have access to get it out? You might join That site has a wealth of info and I think it costs about $25 per year.

No liners in the 3208 but oversized rings and pistons can solve that once bored out if there is damage to them. I'd get the three ring variety to avoid the smokey start up.
I'm gonna stay optimistic hoping for something simple I'm not hearing any noise while turning it over by hand .but wont know until I get injectors out .they only have 1700 hours on them wont know till probably Saturday unfortunately I have to work again I really appreciate all the feedback back
Before you go to deep in the engine, I would pull the gear to make sure it's not stopping the rotation.
I would try it by hand. You can have a starter problem.
Depending on the engine, pulling injectors might not tell you anything.
I've been turning it over with a breaker bar by hand .as I'm turning it over I was watching rockers all are moving except number 5 cylinder. I can see 1,3,7 move dint know if the rotation stop just before number 5 was about to cycle
I have rebuilt an engine that has a seized lifter and the engine would not turn past that point. All other valves actuated properly except this one. There are a few issues that you can have that will give you this problem. Dropped or broken valve, rust ring in the cylinder, etc…

Don’t force it to turn, you will only make things worse.
Check the engine ground wire on the back of the starter and on the start battery for corrosion or a loose connection. The starter may be getting ground through the bonding system which would dramatically limit the output power of the starter motor and perhaps stop it dead on a compression stroke.

While you have the rockers off to pull out the injectors, check the push rods to see if any are bent.
If I am thinking correctly the 3208 doesn’t have cylinder liners. If you have to rebuild most likely it will have to come out of the boat. Do you have access to get it out? You might join That site has a wealth of info and I think it costs about $25 per year.

Yes that is correct. In the 1980's I ran a maintenance shop with 12 cat 3028 powered trucks. We called the 3208's "throwaway engines" always bought new or full factory rebuilt's to replace a major engine problem...
Yes that is correct. In the 1980's I ran a maintenance shop with 12 cat 3028 powered trucks. We called the 3208's "throwaway engines" always bought new or full factory rebuilt's to replace a major engine problem...

They are considered throwaway motors because they do not have removable liners. But consider almost every single gasoline motor is in your car does not have removable liners. You would agree that every gasoline motor is rebuilt above
They are considered throwaway motors because they do not have removable liners. But consider almost every single gasoline motor is in your car does not have removable liners. You would agree that every gasoline motor is rebuilt above

I think the difference is that diesels can have such long lives compared to gas engines. Replaceable liners makes a lot of things much easier. Getting a 3208 out of the boat just to do some work can be very difficult especially since it is a V8. The width can make it hard to get out of some boats.
Good morning everyone hope Thanksgiving was good for everyone I finally got back to boat with the inspection camera I can see all pistons moving and all the lifters except number 5 . Piston is moving just not either one of the lifters
They are considered throwaway motors because they do not have removable liners. But consider almost every single gasoline motor is in your car does not have removable liners. You would agree that every gasoline motor is rebuilt above

Why do I think the someone at Cummins came up with the "throw away" moniker? My understanding is that the USPS went out to bid on a new mid sized diesel for their trucks. Included was a repair contract. The 3208 was designed for this and was built with loose rings to minimized start up wear. So they smoke a bit until warm. Great for a recreational boat as it is difficult to put enough wear on them to wear the cylinders and rings. My boat is 32 years old and I only have 2200 hours on them. Owner #1 put most of those on. Owner #2 put only 103 hours on them. I'm owner #3. I expect many years of happy use. Changing oil, changing zincs etc. not grinding cylinders.
yeah, they tend to smoke a little. warmup idling in the slip probably contributes greatly to the disparaging comments. The term "Throw away"? probably shipped back to the remanufacturer at 350k plus miles in exchange for a factory rebuild. What is the equivalent in a boat? maybe 10,000 hours?
Good morning everyone hope Thanksgiving was good for everyone I finally got back to boat with the inspection camera I can see all pistons moving and all the lifters except number 5 . Piston is moving just not either one of the lifters

If all of the pistons are moving, but not the lifters then if it was me, I would pull the heads. Check for bent, or stuck valves on number 5. You could also check the camshaft at that time.
Good morning everyone hope Thanksgiving was good for everyone I finally got back to boat with the inspection camera I can see all pistons moving and all the lifters except number 5 . Piston is moving just not either one of the lifters

The valves are stuck in the closed position? Either way it’s serious.
So if I'm thinking correctly it should be just a matter of pulling head and replacing lifters if no valves are bent? I can see with the camera the cam turning and the lobs look good none of the push rods were bent and I can push the valves up and down on number 5 they feel smooth.
Why do I think the someone at Cummins came up with the "throw away" moniker? My understanding is that the USPS went out to bid on a new mid sized diesel for their trucks. Included was a repair contract. The 3208 was designed for this and was built with loose rings to minimized start up wear. So they smoke a bit until warm. Great for a recreational boat as it is difficult to put enough wear on them to wear the cylinders and rings. My boat is 32 years old and I only have 2200 hours on them. Owner #1 put most of those on. Owner #2 put only 103 hours on them. I'm owner #3. I expect many years of happy use. Changing oil, changing zincs etc. not grinding cylinders.

Sounds reasonable.
Is it recommended to change the head gaskets as they age?
So if I'm thinking correctly it should be just a matter of pulling head and replacing lifters if no valves are bent? I can see with the camera the cam turning and the lobs look good none of the push rods were bent and I can push the valves up and down on number 5 they feel smooth.
Somethings has to be bent. if there are good cam lobes but the valves stay closed. the only other possibility is the lash adjustments are full backed off. doubtful.
When I turn it over by hand those two lifters don't move and at that point motor won't turn over so I figured lifters are stuck somehow and won't let cam cycle the rest of the way .I'm gonna pull the head off tomorrow
If you pull the valve covers, can you see down to the lifters and maybe spray some penetrating oil in them? I’m not familiar at all with the 3208, so don’t know if this would be possible.

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