CG Documentation PSA

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May 11, 2014
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Grand Alaskan 53
From next month ( though I hear already available early) you can get a five year document.
Last spring/summer you could get a document for up to 5 years....not sure how it was noted on the actual document though as I just stuck with the one year as there was no savings in multiyear (yet).

I saw the option when I did mine and I believe others here reported they got theirs when another thread on the subject was brought up. post #36

Or have they just gone to 5 year documentations for all? I haven't seen that but it was brought up once or twice before.
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Just saw this morning. Passed in 2018, just signed into law effective next month.

It also states that the five years is "required," so sounds like that is the only option going forward. Nothing on fees that I can see.


Coast Guard
46 CFR Part 67
[Docket No. USCG–2020–0215]
RIN 1625–AC26
Certificate of Documentation—5 Year
Renewal Fees
AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Coast Guard is issuing a
final rule extending the validity of a
recreational vessel endorsement on a
Certificate of Documentation (COD)
from 1 to 5 years. Congress passed and
the President signed the Frank
LoBiondo Coast Guard Authorization
Act of 2018, which requires the Coast
Guard to issue recreational vessel CODs
for 5 years. By updating the Code of
Federal Regulations to reflect this
change, the Coast Guard anticipates this
final rule to harmonize with the
requirements of the 2018 Act that
decreased the burden on recreational
vessel owners by requiring COD
renewals every 5 years rather than
DATES: This final rule is effective
February 18, 2021.
This has been covered in other threads, but yes, you have the option of doing a five year renewal now. However, a one year renewal including the submission of payment is entirely automated and you'll get the one year renewal lightning fast, often a few days or a week. If you do the five year instead, the payment system is not set up for that and you have to mail a paper check. You'll wait months. Some members have even run into situations where they're told they have to submit late renewal fees even though they mailed the paper check well before expiration. So yes, you can do it, but...
Pretty sure electronic payment was possible when I renewed in June.

It said whatever you payment was, if it was a multiple of the annual amount up to 5, that's how many year renewal you got.

From NVDC website.....

Pay by credit card using CG-7042 Authorization for Credit Card Transactions. Annotate additional fees paid for optional years 2-5 in block marked ‘Other’ and amount paid.

Beginning January 1, 2019, recreationalCertificate of Documentation (COD) holders may elect to extend the expiration date of renewed CODs for an additional 2-5 years during the implementation period designated as January 1, 2019-December 31,


*Beginning January 1, 2022, recreationalCODs will be issued for a validity period of 5 years.
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I think the difference starting next month is the part in bold.

By updating the Code of Federal Regulations to reflect this
change, the Coast Guard anticipates this final rule to harmonize with the requirements of the 2018 Act that decreased the burden on recreational vessel owners by requiring COD renewals every 5 years rather than annually.
Just saw this morning. Passed in 2018, just signed into law effective next month.

It also states that the five years is "required," so sounds like that is the only option going forward. Nothing on fees that I can see.


Cheaper for the Government too, 1/5th the processing work.
I've got my sailboat up for sale. If it doesn't go this year sounds like I'll have to renew for 5 years. That pretty much guarantees it will sell the day after I send the money.:banghead:
Well, as I recall last year when I tried to elect five years the payment system wasn't configured for that -- despite what it said elsewhere on the site -- but coincidentally I'm up for renewal right now so let me see if I can do it without mailing a paper check. I'll report back shortly.


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Well that didn't take long. Nope, can't do multiyear with online payments. If I'm just a bonehead and I'm missing something please let me know, but here's the renewal form: Documents/NVDC/COD RENEWAL.pdf?ver=2018-12-28-130935-400

And here's the reference that says online payments are available for commercial and one year renewals only:

Rereading everything I think you may be right.

Even reading each method...I could only find the reference once that they are not taking plain renewals by pdf attachments while you can still pay by credit card, it looks like you have to mail in your renewal if you don't do the one year electronic route.
I was surprised to see that last year's COD renewal came back with an expiration date two years out. So far as I could remember, I didn't make any special elections and didn't do anything stupid like pay twice. Perhaps my experience was somehow related to the 5 year renewal program.
Folks the five year requirement doesn't kick in unil February 28!

The payment system will probably be aligned then.
I renewed my document about 10 days ago. I was given the option to renew for any number of years of my choosing between 1 and 10 (I think I’m correct on that 10; it might have been 8).

The website explained that documents will still be effective for one year, but that renewed documents will be sent out annually without additional application or payment for the term that I chose.

I chose 5 years, and the cost was 5X the cost of a one year renewal. There was no problem at all with making the payment electronically. Easy as pie.
I renewed my document about 10 days ago. I was given the option to renew for any number of years of my choosing between 1 and 10 (I think I’m correct on that 10; it might have been 8).

The website explained that documents will still be effective for one year, but that renewed documents will be sent out annually without additional application or payment for the term that I chose.

I chose 5 years, and the cost was 5X the cost of a one year renewal. There was no problem at all with making the payment electronically. Easy as pie.

But it's still a doc valid for only one year each time.
Was that through the site?
Yes. The website was clear: I will be issued a 1 year document automatically in each of the next five years.

This was done directly through the USCG website.
This is great, seems the USCG is in the middle of upgrading the system. We all know how they can screw something up when starting a new procedure.

I am due up for renewal in March, so we will see, or I may just wait and renewal for 1 year to see if they have any issues.
Yep, same here, I'll just renew for one year as usual for now and play it safe. Let things shake out, let the website catch up. I know the one year routine is quick and easy and I get the renewal in a few days. It's not like the (one year) renewal process is that big a deal, just takes me about 10 minutes so multi-year doesn't save me that much time anyway.
The five year deal could be more convenient if your'e out cruising, but if they mail you a new doc every year it's really no better. Still have to be home to get the mail or have someone forward it to you.
I am assuming (yeah, I know) that beginning March 1 you will not have the option of one year, only five.
Being able to apply for and receive one 5 year permit instead of five 1 year permits would definitely be a better option.

However, since my renewal date is in February and I'm generally home during that time, the successive 1 year permits will not be a problem for me.

Related: can someone point me to the webpage where I can get my annual CG sticker?

Who? Me? What documentation?

Another non-issue here.
Perfect. Thanks Richard. Another item crossed off my list.
Apparently the USCG/US Govt cant get their act together.
I applied for a 5 yr Documentation, paid for the 5 years and I have a documentation certificate indicating it is good for 5 years. SHRUG
Now my EPIRB---- I paid for renewal, paid for the renewal and never, to date, gotten the sticker to put on the side of the EPIRB. SHRUG
Apparently the USCG/US Govt cant get their act together.
I applied for a 5 yr Documentation, paid for the 5 years and I have a documentation certificate indicating it is good for 5 years. SHRUG
Now my EPIRB---- I paid for renewal, paid for the renewal and never, to date, gotten the sticker to put on the side of the EPIRB. SHRUG

Huh? EPIRBS cost money to renew? I just renewed one of my PLBs free as always.
"They" have so many excuses for not performing as expected.
I believe the batteries in PLB and Epirbs have a date to change. 5 years?
Yes, EPIRBS batteries must be changed every 5 years and you have to get it done by an authorized site. Not replaceable by yourself.
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