Changing name on AIS

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Sep 11, 2020
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
2018 Helmsman 38E
We bought a boat recently. It has AIS installed and operating. In the sale process, the seller transferred the MMSI number to us, and I have updated the info in that system.
Question: how do I get it so that other boats see the new name of the boat on their Nav screen?
I believe you need to also change your boat name and info on your AIS transceiver. If I’m not mistaken that’s where the boat name comes from that shows up on other boats’ chartplotters.
When we bought our boat we had to take radios and AIS to a Marine Electronics business that could reprogram the units. I think they charged $25 per unit.

Check with the AIS manufacturer's web site for the info needed. I think they need to put in the dimensions of the boat and position of the unit. The shop that does the programming will need this info. If I recall correctly.
You are required to have a shop reprogram the MMSI. But since the seller transferred the old MMSI to you, that’s not an issue. Usually the boat name and other info are user-programmable.
I just did this on a Raymarine AIS650. It involved finding the manual online, downloading the relevant software to a laptop, plugging in a usb cable to the unit, and changing the name in the software. So I think the first step is to identify what AIS module you have..
In a lot of cases what everyone says is true about needing to send it in. Not all though. EG if its a furuno fa150 theres a super secret code to get back into the menu.
What brand. For B&G and Raymarine there is SW on the web that you run on a laptop that you plug into the transceiver's USB port. I am pretty sure the other brands work the same way. If you are computer literate, trivial to do. If not, I wouldn't try it.

If you don't want to do this yourself, a Marine Electronic's company will do it for you, though it will cost you.
I agree with all that's been said above. What I can't recall is whether the boat name can be changed by the user. I know the MMSI cannot, but maybe the name can. It sounds like on a Ray 650 is can be changed.
It can all be changed by the user if you download the SW and plug into the AIS. You cannot change it via the menu on the system itself.
Yes, you can change it yourself. How to do so depends on the unit you have. It should be in the manual. You can usually download the manual if you don't have one.
For Garmin units, the programming software can be used to change the name (but not the number, which is locked). The programming app runs in Windows -- or it was Windows only back when I did it in 2019 -- and requires a USB connection to the back of the AIS unit.

We sold a boat recently with Garmin AIS (don't remember if it was 600 or 800 model), transferred the FCC MMSI to the new owner, and he reprogrammed the boat name that way. (BTW when I installed the AIS unit, I left the programming USB cable in place after I did the initial setup, just so it would be available for any future needs like that )
We bought a boat recently. It has AIS installed and operating. In the sale process, the seller transferred the MMSI number to us, and I have updated the info in that system.
Question: how do I get it so that other boats see the new name of the boat on their Nav screen?

I can't believe no one else has asked the important question: what make/model are they?

Most most radios and AIS units can be reprogrammed. Some radios make it harder than others, likewise AIS units.

A search online (google, etc) on that make/model and 'change AIS' or 'change MMSI' would probably get you some decent explanations.
It is my understanding that in the USA, the FCC requires that only a qualified marine technician can program the MMSI number. This is not true in other countries. As for changing the other information, as noted above, it varies from manufacturer to manufacturer.

It is my understanding that in the USA, the FCC requires that only a qualified marine technician can program the MMSI number. This is not true in other countries. As for changing the other information, as noted above, it varies from manufacturer to manufacturer.


This is exactly the case. However, without ratting out my friends, there are MANY in the US who have programmed it themselves rather than paying a service fee.

As I said above, it requires you to a)get the SW (this is not provided in the US, but a quick google for it will give you plenty of downloads), b)plug the computer that you are running this SW on into the device (this requires a USB cable, on new boats most manufacts actually leave a USB cable in the port on the device so you can just plug this into your computer, c)some computer knowledge of setting up the port so the SW sees it. If you can do all this, the next step is to just type in the info and hit save. Done.

If you are not computer literate, then I would suggest you either get a service call or possibly have a friend who can do this for you, but not try it yourself as you might mess it up. If you understand how to set the baud rate on a serial port and what that means, you are probably competent to do this.
You are required to have a shop reprogram the MMSI. But since the seller transferred the old MMSI to you, that’s not an issue. Usually the boat name and other info are user-programmable.

That was my experience when I bought one for a customer and the seller misspelled the name. The procedure to access the AIS via my laptop was not too difficult. Hopefully. you have the instructions.
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