Cheap Shades

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Pack Mule

TF Site Team
Jan 24, 2013
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Vessel Make
Jorgensen custom 44
We buy this stuff by the roll . I’m thinking it’s about a 25’ roll 1/4” thick . It fits in the window track just right. Yank them out when heading out , roll up and store away. They really keep out the heat .


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Mr.PM. Excellent idea. Foil both sides? Do you treat/seal the edges at all? How much and source please...
Good suggestion.

I have this for my RV. I store it in the hot California desert and it works great. The first time I did it I folded duct tape around the edges. Now I just buy more when it starts fraying. Less than $50 at the big box stores for a 48” wide by 25 foot roll.

It also keeps the sun off off the curtains and prolongs their life.

Note to self, get a roll or two for the boat.
Mr.PM. Excellent idea. Foil both sides? Do you treat/seal the edges at all? How much and source please...
I’m thinking about $20 per roll .yes it has foil on each side . We don’t seal the edges but that would probably help . I’m thinking it’s the same as a car windshield shade .Lowes is the only big box store we have .It comes in a couple different widths. 1/4 “ thick
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Reflectrix insulation is available at most Home Depot and Lowes stores.
I use it for my windows in the winter to keep heat in.
no need to seal the edges, its basically foil lined bubble wrap. I use it under the windshield cover on the rv (on the outside) and it definitely works.

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