Chesapeake bay

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Jun 8, 2013
Aaland Islands (Finland)
Vessel Name
Chesapeake Lady
Vessel Make
Mainship II 34
Just wanted to say hello to all on the forum and specially the once boating in Chesapeake bay area, if you have been going under the Chesapeake Bay Bridge today or any days the last week you most likely have passed me(and I have have spotted you) as I'm at anchor outside Annapolis:dance:.I'm onboard the little orange/whit RO/RO carrier called TAMERLANE!


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Welcome, Mike. I am in Florida now, but have seen many Ro-Ros on the Chesapeake. Great to have someone from Finland aboard.

I will have to look up your islands. Please tell us a little about them.
Well thanks! I have been a member here for 3 years about, ever since I bought my boat and took it with me home from here!
I live in a small island comunity called the Aland Ilands it consist of about 6500 small islands in the middle of the baltic sea between finland and sweden but belonging to finland (not independent but self controlled).
Its a really nice place for boaters this time a years and I have seen many American flagged sail boats crusing the islande during the summers!

Quite funny I was out running on deck today(excersising) and a boat just like yours passed by I was thinking maybe that hade been you(I have followed a lot of threads on this forum thru the years:) ) !
We just passed by Wednesday morning heading south for Tilghman and saw your ship. My first thought was, why doesnt that big girl roll over in heavy seas? You where sitting high in the water.
High in the water for sure no cargo onboard at the moment, will start loading sunday up inBaltimore! Well lets hope chief officer can handle the stabillity issue :)!
Mike, sorry if I missed your earlier posts. I can only imagine that you have many interesting stories to be told.
Mike, awesome boat....checked out all the specs, very impressive. How many people are normally aboard that thing? Also checked out your home cruising grounds, amazing!
Thanks! Well we are usually 25-27 persons onboard depending if we have cadets onboard or not! I will try to post some pics from my homeplace as well and if any intrests I show you how a real 2 stroke engine looks like!:)
What we're really wondering is whether she is semj or full displacement, what kind of anchor you have, and how often you need to add 2 cycle engine oil.:blush:
I'm not sure I want to start another discussion on semi or not:)! And for sure not start anything around the anchors:):):)!

But I can tell you the consumption of "2stroke oil" it's about 65 gallons/24 hrs on economical rpm!
Saw your ship at anchor yesterday, Mike, as we rounded Thomas Point en route Chesapeake Harbour Marina (just south of Annapolis Back Creek), and back.

Have a safe trip!

I see your own boat is a Mainship 34. Ours was an '87 Mainship III, good boat.

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Mike, I see on AIS that you move her into Baltimore. Is this your boat?


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Welcome Mike!

Welcome to my home town.
Thanks for posting here. I am quite fascinated by cargo carriers.

A few (maybe dumb?) questions:

Do you first go to your whistle or VHF when trying to communicating with recreational vessels?

Any advice to recreational boaters, other than the obvious one of "staying clear".

Do you "tack" in heavy beam seas?

Best Regards,
We been at anchor since 10th this month but now were back in Baltimore for loading again!
Yes I do have a 34 Mainship that I found here in Baltimore and bought for three years ago and brought it with me home onboard the ship! So every time I'm here I buy my self parts for the boat(cheaper then back home).

HEHE I wish it was, was that picture taken last year? We loaded a similar one in Zeebrugge and brought it down to Freemantle Austrailia!

Sorry cant help out I'm a diesel monkey soo I'm not in to whats going on upstairs hehe:):)!!But I do now that swell from the side or quarter want do anything but from the back and especially 45deg from the back all hell is braking loose:):)!!
Mike, you have reminded me of being anchored in Annapolis Harbor in 1980. There was a labor dispute at the docks in Baltimore, and ships anchored all over below the Bay Bridge. All through the night we could here the sounds of the one and two cylinder shore boats bringing crews to and from the docks. They were all talking loudly in foreign languages mostly oriental sounding. Needless to say there was not much sleep with the noises and water slapping the hull.
We been at anchor since 10th this month but now were back in Baltimore for loading again!
Yes I do have a 34 Mainship that I found here in Baltimore and bought for three years ago and brought it with me home onboard the ship! So every time I'm here I buy my self parts for the boat(cheaper then back home).

I did wonder how your Mainship found itself in Finland; didn't realize you could just piggy-back it on the big ship. Nice! :)

Yes it was sort of what made the deal, in the end I got a good shipping rate for it to Sweden Gothenburg! Then I went there and launched it and went home thru a canal called Göta Kanal it makes it possible to cross thru middle of Sweden, look it up on internet a really nice canal with plenty of good places along the way! Passed thru a total of 67 locks before I was home on my islands!
Mike-just finished reading about your home islands. Sounds like a pretty interesting place, an interesting history and an interesting place to live. I am guessing that with 6500 islands/skerries, you will be pretty old by the time you run out of cruising area! Do you consider yourself Swedish or Finnish? Or just an Aland Islander?
Oh my, Mike. Just watched a video of your home area. How beautiful! It is easy to see why you live there. I would love to see some pics of your local cruising.
Hello all!
During our stay up in Dundalk we obviously found our place next to a containercrane and we went in to "radio silence" satellite antenna don't like does cranes! Anyway now I have uploaded some pictures in a album under my profile with some pictures from my Islands that I hope will serve as a advertisement for the part of the world I'm from! Album is called "Hello from Aland Islands"! Enjoy:):):)
Hello all!
During our stay up in Dundalk we obviously found our place next to a containercrane and we went in to "radio silence" satellite antenna don't like does cranes! Anyway now I have uploaded some pictures in a album under my profile with some pictures from my Islands that I hope will serve as a advertisement for the part of the world I'm from! Album is called "Hello from Aland Islands"! Enjoy:):):)

Great pictures.Thanks for sharing. :thumb:
Mike thanks much for the cruising pics. The Mainship looks right at home in the Aaland Islands. Really beautiful, and yes it did make me want to visit.
Beautiful pictures. Looks like a great place to cruise. Thanks for sharing.

Don is so right. The 34' is such a good looking boat when it's naked (no canvas). I'd bet it gets a lot of attention when you're cruising around the islands.
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