Citroen motion sickness glasses

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They are legitimately from Citroen.

Haven't seen any actual tests on them but I've seen trial results on a specific brand of Stabilizers and their impact on seasickness and it's amazing.
If you wear glasses, just take them off. The blurry vision negates sea sickness
Some people have had success with putting a foam ear plug in their dominant ear. Supposedly this helps with the inner ear issue. I have a pair on board just in case....
Some people have had success with putting a foam ear plug in their dominant ear. Supposedly this helps with the inner ear issue. I have a pair on board just in case....

How do you determine your dominant ear?

It may not be the ear on whichever side you are handed. For instance, I am right handed, but my left eye is dominant. Probably has something to do with my left eye vision being better than my right eye.
I witnessed many sea sick sailors during my time in thr US Navy. It always seemed like a mental malady. Some times when making preparations to get underway the announcement “ make all preparation for heavy seas” caused a line at sick bay for sea sickness pills. These pills actually where nothing more than aspirin (APC) all purpose capsules that countered in some cases sea sickness. I served on several destroyers type ships but the saying was “ it’s not the size of the ship it’s the motion of the ocean” !
On my submarine, doc used hand out buckets, with the bail replaced by a length of cotton rope so the afflicted could wear it around their neck. Nice guy.

I would consider getting a pair for my wife.

I wouldn't consider modifying a bucket for her.
I never figured there would be sea sickness on a sub, I guess because I didn’t think there was that much rolling motion underwater.

Thinking about it now, I see how the complete loss of horizon could be destabilizing to the inner ear.
I never figured there would be sea sickness on a sub, I guess because I didn’t think there was that much rolling motion underwater.

Thinking about it now, I see how the complete loss of horizon could be destabilizing to the inner ear.

I work on flight simulators. Fastest way to make someone sick is to freeze the visual and leave the motion active.
My wife would have gladly worn those last night. We anchored in some awful conditions (I’m still learning). She was down for the count until she demanded a Rum and coke out of desperation. She immediately cane back to life and we had a great time!

Don’t buy glasses, just drink rum.

Rum and seafaring has a long tradition in Commonwealth countries. My dad was in the Canadian Navy and they got daily rations up until the early seventies.
It seems only reasonable that Citroen should become the maker of an optical device developed to reverse the urge to puke, even when one’s eyes insist upon it.


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I never figured there would be sea sickness on a sub, I guess because I didn’t think there was that much rolling motion underwater.

Thinking about it now, I see how the complete loss of horizon could be destabilizing to the inner ear.

I think I'd get far more than seasick on a sub. The idea of being under water is not one that I think I could deal well with.
It seems only reasonable that Citroen should become the maker of an optical device developed to reverse the urge to puke, even when one’s eyes insist upon it.
Now now, the Citroen Deux Cheveux is a very old car (and now a "classic"),but it`s true,Citroen have always built quirky cars. In fact the French generally:I remember a somewhat similar Renault R4 with a dashboard mounted gear stick you kind of stirred with to get the right gear. And it cornered like a drunken marshmallow.
My father served aboard destroyers during WW2. He said his very first day out aboard a destroyer the seas were calm as glass and he was sick as a dog.... never got sick again.

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