Clean out Vacuflush Vacuum Tank

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It wouldn't build up at all if you run a full bowl of water through the system daily. The flush water flow is too wimpy to fill the hoses, so waste and TP build up in them, the the vac tank, pump, and duckbills too. VF owners are responsible for at least 75% of toilet problems posted in net boating forums and at least 90% of the problems are the result of using too little water.

I've written a piece I call "VacuFlush 101" that explains how it works (an amazing number of owners think they know but don't) and how much water it really needs to remain trouble free. I'll be glad to send it to any of you who want it...I'll need your email address to do it 'cuz there's no way to attach anything to a private message (now known here as "conversations" (which makes no sense 'cuz what else are forum discussions if not conversations??"

Peggie, I, too would like a copy of your VacuFlush 101 piece, please. Thank you!
I agree with sailor Mike. If it hasn’t come out of you it doesn’t get flushed. Did long range full time cruising for decades. On boats with mechanical raritans, marine elegance, Vacuflush etc. Our universal setup was a small lidded garbage can next to the commode. A small plastic bag in it and a paper bag inside that.
Even when in the Caribbean (where direct discharge is permitted) or on ocean passage we used this setup.

There’s no stink with it. As long as you use fresh water and a lot of it your system remains happy as you good aerobic bugs doing their thing. No additives are necessary. Find you get into trouble with any system if you don’t use your boat enough. Then things settle. Don’t do a full pump out and then fill with fresh water and pump out again before antifreeze and layup.

We have had live lumber on the boat with some frequency. With this set up I don’t need to worry about feminine products, baby wipes, paper towels, makeup wipes or other undigestables. I can use regular double ply or whatever is locally available. I don’t need additives. As usual Peggy is wise and right. Lots of water, good aerobic bacteria, a system used with some frequency and laid up correctly. Nothing but #1 and #2 in the system you will be a happy camper.

BTW our most recent boat was used rarely by the PO. Have had to rebuild both vacuflush units, replace Y valve, hose from holding tank to deck fitting and now will likely replace the hoses from commodes to pumps. As we’ve done this have replaced hose with pipe where feasible.

Non use wrecks things. Our first move getting on the boat is to flush both heads several times. Our last thing getting off the boat is the same. Want clean fresh water throughout the entire run down to the holding tank if the boat is going to sit. We have two heads. We make sure we use the guest head as well not just the master. We have three bathrooms in the house. Do the same thing there if we’re going to leave for awhile. Of course in the house TP flushes but baby wipes don’t so even there there’s a small lined lidded garbage can.
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It wouldn't build up at all if you run a full bowl of water through the system daily. The flush water flow is too wimpy to fill the hoses, so waste and TP build up in them, the pump, and duckbills too. VF owners are responsible for at least 75% of toilet problems posted in net boating forums and at least 90% of the problems are the result of using too little water.

I've written a piece I call "VacuFlush 101" that explains how it works (an amazing number of owners think they know but don't) and how much water it really needs to remain trouble free. I'll be glad to send it to any of you who want it...I'll need your email address to do it 'cuz there's no way to attach anything to a private message.

Hello Peggie,
I am a brand new trawler owner, and I would love your vacu flush 101, lots and lots to learn.
Thank you
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