Coastal Explorer GPS Connection

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Senior Member
Nov 1, 2015
I run Coastal Explorer on my lap top, I'm having trouble with USB connected GPS longevity. I've been thru 3 so far in 3 yrs.
I have a NAC 3 NMEA 2000 Simrad combo (auto pilot, compass) I'm using Antisense 2000 to connect auto pilot to laptop. what would solve my problem of gps. Dedicated antenna GPS hooked into the 2000 backbone? or different type of usb GPS, I'm using BU 353S4 now. Any help would be appreciated.
The usb attached GPS works showing my boat on the Coastal Explorer program when it works, my problem is I'm buying 1 every 9 months or so. Im trying to determine if I would be better off money wise getting a gps antenna and hooking to my nmea 2000 backbone
In the for what it's worth column, and it may not be worth much in your case. Long ago I ran a boat that ate electronic components. Bad power supplies. Bad grounds. Fortunately it was all stand alone devices so loss of one did not take the entire system down. And fortunately it seemed to eat the least expensive components.

I ripped out the entire electronics power supply both (+) and (-) side. New wires, good grounds, took great care with everything as it was put together. Problems solved.
As TT said something on the NMEA2000 side has GPS data used by the autopilot unless you are only running on headings and not steering to waypoints. A lot new MFDs have internal GPS. Look at the Actisense gateway in CE settings/electronics and see what devices are on the NMEA 2000 network. I have a Garmin GPS19X directly connected to the NMEA 2000 network as primary with GPS input from 2 different MFDs as backup.
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