Connection has been reset

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Scraping Paint
Oct 23, 2007
After a long period of behaving properly the forum is back to giving a "Connection has been reset" notice when opening the site or sending a post. Not every time obviously but a lot. As this happens only on this URL--- none of the many other URLs I open every day does this--- and as it happens on my Mac at home, my iPad, and the two PCs I use at work, and happens with Safari, Firefox, MS Explorer, and Chrome, my guess is it's an anomaly with the Forum software or hosting hardware.

Just thought I'd mention it.....
FWIW I come here at least daily, often more than once per day & I have never had any problems with this site whatsoever. Win 7 / IE8 and more recently on my Android.
No issues here either, across multiple platforms.

IE, Chrome, Android and Apple too.
No problems here.
No problems here with Firefox & WIN XP.
After a long period of behaving properly the forum is back to giving a "Connection has been reset" notice when opening the site or sending a post. Not every time obviously but a lot. As this happens only on this URL--- none of the many other URLs I open every day does this--- and as it happens on my Mac at home, my iPad, and the two PCs I use at work, and happens with Safari, Firefox, MS Explorer, and Chrome, my guess is it's an anomaly with the Forum software or hosting hardware.

Just thought I'd mention it.....

I periodically see the same thing when sending a post. I have attributed it to the wifi connection. But you're right, this is the only site that I see it.
Never had a problem Marin, using Firefox on MacBook.
No problem with Win7 and Firefox
Well, it's still doing it. With Windows the warning is "Database Error." With Macs it's "Connection has been reset."

Just out of curiosity I asked some people at work to try it on their computers (PCs, Windows and Firefox) and the same thing happened. Eventually it starts connecting okay but it's a fairly frequent occurrence. No other URL that we try does this. Only TF.
Works great here and at home on whatever it is I have, Windows on an IBM type machine that was made for me (office) and store bought (office depot) @ home. The netbook runs this well too, given some slack for the wi-fi connection. And on my travels I haven't had any problems connecting or posting that I'd say was site specific.
No problems for me -- haven't seen that message at all. I access on Mac Book Pro and i-Pad, both using Safari, and no issues.

Was seeing that message, maybe 4 months back, not now. Was then using Windows Vista & Mozilla - Acer brand Notebook. BruceK
Well, it's still doing it. With Windows the warning is "Database Error." With Macs it's "Connection has been reset."

Just out of curiosity I asked some people at work to try it on their computers (PCs, Windows and Firefox) and the same thing happened. Eventually it starts connecting okay but it's a fairly frequent occurrence. No other URL that we try does this. Only TF.
Marin, the fact it only seems to be an issue on your work computers gives me one idea. We recently had a web based app which was set to load on start-up, because it is one which allows patients to log on to a part of our system to make online appointments suddenly stop working. It proved quite a challenge until we twigged the virus buster software had automatically updated, and for some reason applied stricter filtering, and was blocking this site. Re-configuring the permissions re that site solved it. Is it possible your virus/malware protection app has done something similar..?
Marin, the fact it only seems to be an issue on your work computers gives me one idea.

It does it at work (PCs). It does it at home (Macs). It does it in my iPad (home, work, China) with AT&T 3G, wifi at home and in hotels, airports, coffee shops here and abroad. It does it on hotel executive lounge PCs. Only TF, never any other URLs.
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It does it at work (PCs). It does it at home (Macs). It does it in my iPad (home, work, China) with AT&T 3G, wifi at home and in hotels, airports, coffee shops here and abroad. It does it on hotel executive lounge PCs. Only TF, never any other URLs.

No problems on either my PC or iPad. I have never seen the problem ever.
It does it at work (PCs). It does it at home (Macs). It does it in my iPad (home, work, China) with AT&T 3G, wifi at home and in hotels, airports, coffee shops here and abroad. It does it on hotel executive lounge PCs. Only TF, never any other URLs.
Ah, well Marin, it's clearly got it in for you. You really must have p****d it of in some way, 'cause it's not doing it for anyone else it appears...
As I recall (a true feat these days) Mark was having problems at one time? Maybe he can shed some light on what the problem was (still is?) and how it got fixed if it ever was.
The only time we have this same issue is when our wifi provider is not working properly. The wifi in this marina is the worst we have ever experienced. When we connect anywhere else there is never a problem. This doesn't happen with just TF for us. It can be any site. My only suggestions would be to clear your internet cache, cookies, browser history and see if the problem stops. Chuck
My only suggestions would be to clear your internet cache, cookies, browser history and see if the problem stops. Chuck

That would make sense if it was just one computer. But if one includes the computers I've used overseas and on the road that experienced the problem, we're talking about a whole bunch of computers of all types, mostly PCs but Mac/iPads, too.

User error is always a possibility. But I rule that out because eventually the URL will work with no change on what I'm doing. It's very intermittent and random. When it does this, it does it a lot. And then I won't experience the problem (on any device, anywhere) at all for weeks or even months. And then suddenly it will start doing it again.

It's not a big deal, it's just a bit annoying when it happens. I've described it (and showed it) to our video/IT engineer at work and his immediate diagnosis was that it's some sort of anomaly in the TF server software or hardware because of the wide variety of computers, search engines, and locations where it occurs. And I should add that I never experienced this issue with Baker's orginal forum. And, as I said, no other URL does this. Only TF.

So it's a mystery. I'm going to file it away though because it would be a great element in the book I'd like to try to write when I finish the one I'm working on now.:)
So, if not a single computer or server, what else makes Marin unique? Is there any chance the number of his sizable posts upsets a TF cache when he logs on? It seems a bit far fetched, but when nothing else makes sense......?

For the record, I've never had an issue using my desktop, laptop, iPhone, or (currently) iPad.
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Number of posts could be it, I suppose. I wonder if the administrators can delete all my posts up through, say, October 1, 2012? I certainly won't miss them and between the text and photos it should free up a hell of a lot of server space. So if the administrators are reading this and are willing to try it I have no objection if they delete everything of mine prior to this month.
I'm no administrator Marin but do know that would wreak havoc on the archives.

The anchor sub forum would be left completely un-readable :whistling:

I'll leave word for Janet to look at this thread if she hasn't already.
I'm no administrator Marin but do know that would wreak havoc on the archives.

Really? As it is now administrators can remove individual posts from threads or move posts between forum topic sections. And it doesn't seem to have any effect at all on the remainder of the thread. All the remaining posts just move up in the list accordingly. The archives seems to work the same way since all it does on a search is call up the posts that fit the search criteria in the existing threads. If most of the "Marin" posts are removed the search function simply won't find any of them anymore.

So I would think the forum code is such that one could enter a specific member's name and then do a batch delete, which I assume is how multiple posts are removed from active threads, and presto, they'd all be gone.

Frankly a housecleaning like this seems to me to be a good idea anyway. I suspect the archives are not used much as evidenced by the same questions being asked over and over again. The only times I've ever used the archives is to find a photo I remember posting some time ago and want to use again in a post but don't have in my iPad. I can't speak for others' posts, of course, but I see no value whatsoever in retaining all the posts I've made to this forum since its inception in 2000-whatever. So I say if there's a way to do it easily without jeopardizing the functioning of the forum software, do it. Then there will be that much more drive space for OTDE. :):):)
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I wouldn't have thought Marin's post were really the cause. Text takes beggar all memory and the photos while larger still should be able to be coped with for quite a long time. It would be a pretty pathetically small server to not be able to cope with our traffic, especially over the relatively short time the new site has been up, one would think.
In the past few months, I have received this error message. Like Marin reports, it has been sporadic. It can not be from the number of posts an individual has submitted, as this is only my third post on this site.

For what it's worth, I have received the error message 3 times already this morning.

Thanks for that info Theran, that answers that then, so Marin's post repository is not to blame - then what? I must say I have never had it, not here on W7 PC/IE9, or on MacBook/Firefox, so it's not a browser/computer type issue per se...?
You've not had the problem, Peter, because you're in Australia which means internet signals coming to you are upside down. Obviously the code that is included in every internet transmission to the Southern Hemisphere that flips the internet signal rightside up for you is filtering out the "Connection has been reset" (Mac) or "No data" (PC) problem.
Maybe it is the fact of living to close to Microsoft that is causing the problems.:thumb::thumb::thumb:
I got it WA (Marin) is at 47.500N and WI (Theran) is at 44.500N and WI is less affected than WA so that must be it. The farther North the more the system wants to reset. Seams to make sense to me.
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